
Showing posts from August 16, 2024

The LORD takes pleasure in His people

" Thus saith thy L ORD , the L ORD , and thy GOD Who pleadeth the cause of His people" -Isaiah 51:22 [KJV] Thou poor soul, who art almost at thy wits’ end, drunk with trouble, and intoxicated with affliction, over thee do men insult, and Satan triumph? Are they saying to thee, “Bow down, thou poor, insignificant wretch! that we may go over thee.” You a Christian! you are not what you profess. In the lowliness of thy mind, and in the meekness of thy heart, dost thou take all this? And, as it were, hast thou laid thy body on the ground, and suffered thyself to be walked over? All this cannot satisfy the fury of thine enemies. Wherein art thou to take comfort under all this? Verily, from, thus saith thy Lord. Thy Lord: mind that.  However men treat thee, they cannot take thy Lord, nor His love from thee: nor should they at any time disturb thy peace, or destroy thy comfort in Him. For the Lord Is thy God. Thy is again repeated. Why? that thou shouldest take special