
Showing posts from July 14, 2024


" Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?" -Song of Solomon 8:5 [KJV] Who! the wonder and joy of angels, the envy of devils, the contempt of the world, because a miracle of grace. Upon whom shines the glory of God’s justice, the riches of mercy, the abounding of His love, and the efficacy of His power? It is, a poor sinner, hopeless, and helpless in himself, coming up from a dismal, dreadful, dangerous state, leaning upon One Who is mighty to save. Some over-rate Christians. They paint their characters so very strong and perfect, as though they forgot that they are in themselves nothing but poor sinners, whose nature is only evil continually.  And these people also under-rate them, not considering what they are in Christ— new creatures, perfectly righteous—without spot of sin— infinitely glorious and comely in God’s sight. Consider, (1st.) this wilderness. You are in it, and will be coming up out of it, till you get out of the b