
Showing posts from May 29, 2024


" Come, buy wine and milk, without money and without price." -Isaiah 55:1 [KJV] A free gospel is the glory of God’s grace, the joy of humble souls, the envy of malicious devils, and the contempt of proud, self-righteous pharisees. Milk is the pure, sweet, soul-nourishing doctrine of Christ. Wine is the generous, heart-reviving comforts of pardon of sins, and peace with God through the blood of Christ. The Lord knows we cannot grow strong, nor be comfortable in our souls, without this precious milk and animating wine.  Here is the Lord’s open house, public market, free invitation, and fixed price. Come: draw nigh to Me: keep not at a distance from Me, saith the Lord. Make no excuse, nor any delay: come now, this moment. Here is a free invitation, and a hearty welcome. O the love of our Lord’s heart! Buy. Art thou rich? such the Lord sends empty away. Hast thou brought a stock of thine own faithfulness, terms thou hast fulfilled, and conditions performed to buy w

The Wednesday Word ~ 29 May, 2024 A.D.

What´s all this Nonsense About Jesus Being God   by D. G Miles McKee   Some years ago, in Maryland, USA, I was ministering at a series of meetings with my good friend Dr. Joel Freeman of the Freeman Institute.  It was ‘meetings’ at night and ‘greetings’ by day. Being out and about one day, we stopped for a quick bite of lunch at a small restaurant and, since the weather was pleasant, sat down at an outside table in the courtyard.    During lunch, I observed two young men moving from table to table, talking to the diners.  Eventually they stopped with us. “Hi guys,” they beamed, “we are Christians and in 15 minutes time we will be having a Bible study over by the fountain.  We’d sure like to have you join us.”   “Christians?” I inquired of them with my face covered by a puzzled look.   “Oh yes,” they responded with firmness, “we are Christians.”   I don’t know what exactly happened at that point, but I smelt a rat.  They troubled something deep within me.  Just then inspirat