
Showing posts from October 11, 2021

My Soul Waits for Thee, O LORD

"He wakeneth morning by morning: He wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned." -Isaiah 50:4  [KJV] Who is this but Jesus in His human nature, of whom the prophet speaks? Eminently to Him doth it refer, to whom was given the tongue of the learned, that he might know how to speak a word to him that is weary. Precious Lord, it is indeed Thy province, and Thine only, to speak a word to weary souls, and to be the rest wherewith Thou causeth the weary to rest, and to be their refreshing. Not only to give them rest, but Thyself to be their rest. Not only to give them salvation, but Thyself to be their salvation.—But, blessed Lord! may not a poor soul like myself say of Thee also, that Thou wakenest me morning by morning?— for who is it but Jesus, that, by the sweet influences of the Spirit, wakens His people morning by morning, and openeth the ear to hear, and the eye to see, and the heart.   Feel the blessed tokens of His coming? Have I not found Thee, Lord, wakening my soul somet