
Showing posts from August 2, 2024


"...w hose names are in the book of life." -Philippians 4:3 [KJV] How did the apostle know that? Had he seen the book of life, when caught up to the third heavens? No: but he very plainly and evidently saw, the work of God’s Spirit upon these persons’ souls, by their fruits of faith, and labours of love, to the glory of the Lord Jesus. Hence, he speaks so confidently of them. This furnishes us with these glorious truths.  (1st.) That the names of all God’s chosen people are registered in the book of life, called the Lamb’s book of life (Revelation 21:27.) This implies the eternal love of God to them, His choice of them, personal knowledge of each of them, value for them, care over them, and their certain enjoyment of Him in heaven and glory. For, says the L ORD of hosts, "they shall be Mine in that day when I make up My jewels” (Malachi 3:17.) But may not the name of a believer in Christ be blotted out of this book of life, and he suffered to perish? No...


" For He endured, as seeing Him Who is invisible." -Hebrews 11:27 [KJV] What a paradox! “Seeing Him Who is invisible.” Is not this deemed the very height of enthusiasm? I dearly love that word. It signifies, being in God. And I love it, in the very sense carnal men use it too, for they mean, one who evidences the zeal and fire of godliness in his soul. Give me that man for my companion, who is cast off by the world, as an enthusiast. Is it any marvel that scriptural, experimental truths, are foolishness to the spiritually blind, and that they can neither endure the persons, nor the language of the children of faith?  Consider, (1st.) What did Moses endure? What you and I, and every enlightened soul is called to endure, “the reproach of Christ, and suffering affliction with the people of God.” Now this is opposed, by “enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season.” So that if you will but enjoy the pleasures of sin with the men of the world, you may escape the re...