SING, O YE SAINTS! This Matchless Grace
" This people have I formed for Myself: they shall shew forth My praise." -Isaiah 42:21 [KJV] What says the world, of God’s new formed creatures? “These men turn the world upside down , ” (Acts 17:6.) Well, if they do, is it not right? Seeing the devil by sin turned it upside down once, Christ, by the power of His grace, turned it upside down again, then it is turned into its right state. The Lord is here about to perform a wonder of grace. He calls for our special attention to it. “Behold, I will do a new thing.” (verse 19.) He was going to take those who were not a people, to make them His people. The eminent displays of God’s grace, should be the admiration of our hearts, and the glory of our souls. See (1st.) the description of this people . They are compared to the beasts of the field, to dragons and owls. Yet the Lord calls them “My people, My chosen.” My soul, remember what thy nature is. As filthy as a beast, as fierce as a dragon, as stupid as an ...