
Showing posts from July 3, 2019
"For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on H im shall not be ashamed ." -R OMANS 10:11 [KJV] A child of God may be often deeply exercised whether he has any faith at all; for when he reads what faith has done and can do, and sees and feels how little it has done for him, he is seized with doubts and fears whether he has ever been blessed with the faith of God's elect. This makes him often say, "Oh, do I indeed possess one grain of saving faith?" But he does possess it: nay, it is his very faith which makes him so anxiously ask himself the question, as well as see and feel the nature and amount of his unbelief. It is the very light of God shining into his soul that shews him his sins, their nature and number; convinces him of their guilt and enormity; lays the burden of them upon his conscience; and discovers to him the workings of an unbelieving heart. But besides this, if he had no faith at all he could not hear the voice of God speaki

Our Defender and Judge

In the New Testament, Repentance is mentioned 70 times; Baptism is mentioned at most 20 times; The New Birth is mentioned 9 times; The ‘Lord’s Supper’ is mentioned 6 times; But … The Second Coming of Christ is mentioned no less than 318 times! Mark it down, JESUS IS COMING BACK! In fact, one verse in every 25 verses throughout the New Testament, from Matthew to Revelation, points to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ! Listen to this, it is appointed once to die.  And after death? The Judgment (see Hebrews 9:27) . Now, I´m not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I can tell the future. It´s the Judgment!!!    That´s mankind's destiny. However, there is no need for the Lord’s people to fear this event. The good news is that the blood of Christ has already settled all charges against us (John 1:29; Hebrews 9:26) . The blood of Christ, God incarnate, has doused the flames of Hell for God´s elect. In addition to that, our lawyer, Christ Jesus, is ou

The Language of Life

There is a wonder in the preaching of the Gospel. Those who have been appointed to the task of preaching know that they face an amazing dilemma. As far as they know, no one is able to hear what they say with the ears of faith. They wait on the Spirit of God as they preach to spiritually dead men and women, all the while, directing their hearers to do the impossible! This would seem a most daunting job, one fraught with assured disappointment and a sense of futility, were it not for the language of life that is built into the Gospel. For the preacher there is hope in the words employed by the Scripture. The language itself speaks to LIFE! Though no one is privy to the inward workings of the Holy Spirit, nor can anyone see a person being given life through the Word, the preacher is yet told to use language that only the spiritually living can hear. To the dead sinner the command is "Come to Christ", "Believe on Christ", "Call on the Name of

Christ as the Sole Foundation, as Beginner and Perfecter

IF THESE MATTERS had in bygone ages been treated and dealt with in proper order, so many tumults and dissensions would never have arisen. Paul says that in the upbuilding of Christian teaching we must keep the foundation that he had laid among the Corinthians [1 Cor. 3:10] , “beside which no other can be laid, which is Jesus Christ” [1 Cor. 3:11] . What sort of foundation have we in Christ? Was He the beginning of our salvation in order that its fulfillment might follow from ourselves? Did He only open the way by which we might proceed under our own power? Certainly not. But, as Paul had set forth a little before, Christ, when we acknowledge H im, is given us to be our righteousness [1 Cor. 1:30] . He alone is well founded in Christ who has perfect righteousness in himself: since the apostle does not say that He was sent to help us attain righteousness but Himself to be our righteousness [1 Cor. 1:30] . Indeed, he states that “ H e has chosen us in H im”

People Without A Country?

More and more as time goes by I find myself in a unique position. You might say I am a “man without a country” as far as this world is concerned. The more open, active and distinctive the two factions of this world make themselves manifest, the more I find myself in the middle not being able to agree with or side with either. On the one hand there is the outwardly irreligious and ungodly part. I cannot agree with or participate in their blatant immorality and wickedness. I cannot condone their drunkenness, sexual immorality, abortions, cruelties, sodomies and much, much more. Then there are the religious and seemingly moral part. Sometimes it seems I am more at odds with them than the other part! I cannot condone or agree with their obvious anti-biblical idolatry. I cannot worship their ‘god’ who tries, fails, begs and can only do what men allow him to. Theirs is a god who loves all but cannot save them. A jesus who died for all but most of those he died for will even