
Showing posts from November 12, 2019

Lord Jesus Christ - Valiant Deliverer!

"... a nd DELIVER THEM who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." -H EBREWS 2:15 [KJV] It is no evidence against you if you are subject to bondage; it is no mark against you if you cannot look death in the face without doubt or fear. Is it not "the children" who feel the bondage? And did not the Lord come to deliver them from it? Are you then not a child because you fear death? If you had no sense of sin, no tenderness of conscience, you would be as careless about death as most other people are. Thus your very bondage, your very fears, if they make you sigh and cry for deliverance, are marks of life. And the day will surely come when the Lord will remove these chilling fears and put an end to these killing doubts. As you draw near to the brink of Jordan, THE LORD WILL BE WITH YOU TO DELIVER YOU, who, through fear of death, are now subject to bondage; He will extract its sting, and rob the grave of its victory, enabling yo