
Showing posts from August 23, 2024

Five Reasons For A Sinner To Hope For Mercy

1. HIS NATURE is to show mercy! God is love. He must be merciful to some because as He is holy, He is love (1 John 4:16). 2. HIS DESIRE is to show mercy! " He delights to show mercy ." (Micah 7:18).   3. HIS GLORY is to show mercy! When Moses asked to see His glory, He said, " I will be merciful." (Exodus 33:18-19).   4. HIS NAME is the mercy-giver! JESUS means; “Saviour, De­liverer" or " He will save " (Matthew 1:21).   5. HIS CALL is to mercy! " Come, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)   -preacher Henry Mahan

Thought for the Day ~ 23 August, 2024 A.D.

" The interpretation of God’s word is not a playful pastime, but frighteningly serious business for Christians." -preacher J. Whitcomb


" They crucified Him." -Matthew 27:35 [KJV] A short sentence, replete with the greatest importance to a world of sinners: each word in it contains matter of sorrow, wonder, and joy. Here is a fund for meditation. O Christian, time can never explore its depths. It will be the glory of eternity to sing of, wonder, and adore a once crucified Jesus. Let us consider the agents—the work—and the subject.  (1st.) The agents—they. Who? Angels? No: they gaze and wonder at the cruel, awful deed; but share not in it. Devils? No: they instigate to it; they shout and applaud the deed, but effect it not. No, the work is done by beings, little lower than the angels; yet not devils, but men. Men of devilish natures, cursed passions, and wicked hands. With these they seize the innocent victim, doomed to direful agonies, and an ignominious death.  (2d.) The work. They crucified. O the bloody deed! Heaven that hour let fall a tear. There hangs— who? A man like us? Yes, but immacul