
Showing posts from June 2, 2020

WARNING: the "Religion of Choice"

A legal, works-based religion is the religion of choice of mankind. Travel throughout the world; listen to religious teachers; examine all the man-made creeds since the beginning of time. Inquire about beliefs within so-called houses of worship, synagogues and mosques and you will discover that no matter the language, race or culture, people imagine that there is some work they must perform, some duty that must carry out and some law they must obey in order for God (ever how they imagine Him to be) to accept them. They are correct in concluding that there is a work to be performed, but man cannot perform it . Yes, there are duties to be carried out, but man cannot perform them . There is a law to be obeyed, but man cannot obey it . Religious people of every age are just like those of Paul’s day of whom he wrote: “ I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge . For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their o

The Believers High Priest

“ For such an High Priest became us, Who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens.” -H EBREWS 7:26 [KJV] What a sweet thought! Surely, as a poor sinner, I need an High Priest to act for me. I cannot, I dare not, approach in myself, and with my poor polluted offerings, without one. But He that intercedes for me must be Himself holy, free from sin; His sacrifice holy, His obedience holy, and in all points suited to His office and my necessities. Cherish, then, the thought, my soul - He that is thine High Priest is all this, and infinitely more. So holy in Himself, that not the shadow of sin was in Him. So harmless, that in His mouth was found no guile. So undefiled, that though He took all the sins of His people upon Him, yet in Himself He was free from all sin. So separate from sinners, that though He took the nature of man, yet wholly underived from man. And so much higher than the heavens, that His own personal holin

GREAT NEWS - CHRIST JESUS "The LORD our Righteousness" SAVES. Flee to Him Today, friends

"Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you." - I PETER 1:20 [KJV]   By "these last times" is meant this present dispensation, the dispensation of grace under which we live, and they are called the last times chiefly for two reasons: 1. Because Christ was manifested in the last days of the legal dispensation of the old covenant, which now, as decaying and waxing old, was ready to vanish away [HEBREWS 8:13], which it did when at the destruction of Jerusalem the whole of the temple service, including the sacrifices offered there, was brought to an end.   2. Another reason why the dispensation under which we live is called "the last days" is because it is the final revelation of God. It is "the time accepted," "the day of salvation," of which all the prophets have spoken [II CORINTHIANS 6:2; ACTS 3:24].   Christ is now upon His throne of g