
Showing posts from January 31, 2025

Hope Firmly Unto The End

" Christ's house are we, if we hold fast the confidence, and the rejoicing of the hope, firm unto the end." —Hebrews 3:6 [KJV] The tabernacle, with its furniture—the ark of the covenant— the institution of sacrifices, etc. were appointed by Jehovah, to shew the nature of His house—to typify God's dwelling in the human nature of Jesus—His sacrifice for and special presence with the household of faith. David asks, "LORD, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle?" —Psalm 15:1 The answer is, Only those whose hearts are furnished with the graces of Jesus, and whose lives evidence it. It bespeaks a person's propriety of and delight of residence in a house, when he adorns and furnishes it. This Jesus doth by the hearts of all His members. He is our brother in flesh. He complies with His own command, When thou lettest a servant go free, "thou shalt furnish him liberally." —Deuteronomy 15:14 Out of the fullness of Jesus, most liberally, His member...


"What, think ye that He will not come to the feast?" -John 11:56 [KJV] Is this thy inquiry, my soul, when at any time thou art seeking Jesus in His word, in His ordinances, at his table? Will He not come? Will Jesus not be there? Think how, He hath dealt in times past. Did not Jesus rejoice when the hour arrived for coming into the world for salvation? Doth He not rejoice, when coming to the heart of the poor sinner for conversion? and will He not come with joy in all the renewed visits of His love? Besides, doth not Jesus know that it is a time of need to thee? And hath He not opened a way to the throne of grace, on purpose that His poor helpless children might come boldly to a throne of grace to obtain help, and find grace in every time of need?  Oh then, mark it down as a sure thing, thy Jesus will be there. He spreads the feast, and He will be present, He waits to be gracious; waits to be kind to thee. Love is in His heart, and salvation in His hands. Hasten th...

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 31 January, 2025 A.D.

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth; for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak; and He will shew you things to come." -John 16:13 [KJV] "He shall not speak of Himself." There is something peculiarly gracious in this feature of the Holy Spirit, that, if we may use the expression, He does not glorify Himself by speaking of Himself in the same direct, personal manner as the Father and the Son speak of themselves. Thus the Father speaks of Himself all through the word; and the Son speaks of Himself in Scripture after Scripture; but the Holy Ghost, though He speaks in the Scripture, for by His divine inspiration the whole was written, yet does not speak of Himself in a positive, direct manner, nor call upon us in a clear, personal way to believe in, worship, and adore Him.  But His office and work are to testify to our conscience and bear witness to our spirit of both th...