
Showing posts from July 31, 2018

Jesus Christ - The MIGHTY GOD

The believer is perfect in Christ, but in himself is a poor, feeble creature, ever liable to fall. Oh, the blessedness of having One who can manage all his affairs for him at the right hand of the Majesty in the Heavens: One who upholds him continually by the right hand of His righteousness: One who will never let him go: One who is able to save to the uttermost: One who is the same yesterday, today and forever: One who will bear him triumphantly through all the difficulties and dangers that surround him and finally, present him faultless before the presence of His Glory with exceeding joy. Blessed forever be the grace that has made such ample provision for all our sins in the Blood of a spotless victim and the intercession of a Divine High Priest. - Gospel report by preacher Scott Richardson

Bless The Savior's Name!

Magnify the Mediator, Jesus Christ our mighty Savior, He restored us to God’s favor; Bless the Savior’s Name. Jesus saves from sin forever, He abideth faithful ever; From His love no pow’r can sever, Bless the Savior’s Name. With His blood He justified us, By His grace He sanctified us; He will someday glorify us, Bless the Savior’s Name. All our needs He well-supplies us, He the Rock that safely hides us; By His Spirit Jesus guides us, Bless the Savior’s Name. Tune "PRAISE THE SAVIOR" Words by JIM BYRD ====================================================== THE PRECIOUSNESS OF IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS The older I get the more precious Christ’s imputed righteousness is to me. Here is a truth about which we cannot say too much. 1. THE ETERNALITY OF IMPUTATION. God eternally justified and declared His people to be righteous in the Son of God. He has always been, "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Jeremiah ...