
Showing posts from January 6, 2021

Cleave to Christ JESUS!

"For verily H e took not on H im the nature of angels." -Hebrews 2:16 [KJV] Contemplate, my soul, the peculiar sweetness of that grace which was in thy Jesus, when, for the accomplishment of thy salvation, He passed by the nature of angels to take upon Him thy nature. There were but two sorts of transgressors in the creation of God; angels and men. But angels are left in everlasting chains, under darkness, to the judgment of the great day. And fallen, sinful, rebellious man, finds the grace of redemption. Had Jesus taken their nature, would not this have been nearer to His own? Would not their services have been vastly superior to ours? Would not the redemption of beings so much higher in rank and intellect, have opened a far larger revenue of praise to our adorable Redeemer? Pause over these thoughts, my soul, and then consider therefrom how our Jesus, in His unequaled condescension, hath thereby the more endeared Himself to thy love. And learn hence, that if Jesus nee

The Wednesday Word

  Prepositions and Pronouns by D.G. Miles McKee 1) PREPOSITIONS   “ Who gave Himself for our sins” -Galatians 1:4 [KJV] Nothing demonstrates God’s love more than Galatians 1:4. There’s a small word in that sentence, ‘FOR.’ It has only 3 letters but it’s mighty!  But what does it mean?  In this case, the prepostion ‘FOR’ means ‘instead of’ or ‘in place of’ or ‘on our behalf.’  So, our verse could be rendered,   He gave Himself instead of us, or  He gave Himself in place of us, or  He gave Himself on our behalf. There should be no confusion on the matter. This verse is clear … it insists that Christ Jesus became our substitute at the cross.  Thank you Jesus!  Your people are thrilled with this little preposition ‘FOR.’  His was a life which was lived for us.  Everything He did, He did for us. Isn’t He wonderful?  He has gone away to prepare a place for us but mark it down, He is returning soon to receive us unto Himself (John 14:1-3) . 2) PRONOUNS Look again at our