
Showing posts from January 31, 2022

Great Encouragement in God's Gracious Providences

“And above the firmament, that was over their heads, was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stones and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it." -Ezekiel 1:26  [KJV] It forms the most satisfying consideration to the breast of the faithful that every event and every providence concerning the people of God is as much directed, arranged, and determined, as the purpose of redemption themselves. The covenant is "a covenant ordered in all things and sure." He who hath undertaken and completed salvation for them, hath no less secured the means that shall infallibly accomplish the end; and all things, how unpromising soever on the first view, shall work together for good to them that love God.     When the Holy Ghost would graciously lead the church into the proper apprehension of this great truth, the prophet is directed to the contemplation of a vision by the river Chebar, which opened before him. There

GOD's Omnipotent Power

"Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will."   -Ephesians 1:11 [KJV]  By these words the apostle brings before our eyes God's omnipotent power as carrying into effectual performance the counsel of His own will towards the objects of His distinguishing favour. An especial blessing is couched in this. Next to a believing view of the purposes of God's grace, and a sweet persuasion of our interest in them, nothing is more strengthening and encouraging than a realising apprehension of the power of God to carry them into full execution. Feeling, as we do, our own miserable helplessness, sinking under the pressure of our daily weakness, mourning over continual failures, and grieving on account of perpetual backslidings, encompassed by foes, and distressed by fears, how strengthening it is to our faith, thus tried to the utmost, to believe that He who has purposed has power to perform.  This persuasion of the almighty power of God was the support and strength o