
Showing posts from March 3, 2020

With Christ For Ever!

"In M y Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." -J OHN 14:2 [KJV]   O That we could lift our eyes to those blest abodes, those mansions of heavenly bliss, where no sorrow intrudes, where sin is unknown, where tears are wiped from off all faces, where there is no languishing body, no wasting sickness, no pining soul, no doubt, fear, darkness or distress; but one unmingled scene of happiness and pleasure, and the whole soul and body are engaged in singing the praises of God and the Lamb! And what crowns the whole, there is the eternal enjoyment of those pleasures which are at the right hand of God for evermore. But how lost are we in the contemplation of these things; and though our imagination may seem to stretch itself beyond the utmost conception of the mind, into the countless ages of a never-ending eternity, yet are we baffled with the thought, though faith embraces the blesse...


Almost everybody claims to love God. Surely the great number of folks associated in some way with religion do. But according to the word of God, the people of God love Him for a particular reason. "We love Him, because He first loved us" [I JOHN 4:19 ] . Did you hear that? "Because He first loved us!" Yet most of these professing religionists either do not know or deny what the Scriptures tell about God "first" loving His people. God's love for His people is an "everlasting love" exhibiting itself in divine election. That is, the choosing by God of a number which no man can number out of Adam's fallen race to be the recipients of His grace. He is not obligated to save any. All are sinners and justly deserve His wrath. So the great love His people have for Him is "because He first loved us." He loved us when we did not love Him, loved us who are unlovely, and loved us and gave His Son for us. But oh to remember th...
"Unto you that fear M y name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in H is wings." -MALACHI 4:2 [KJV]   Just as the sun rises in the east and gradually mounts up into the meridian sky, dispersing with every ray light, warmth, and gladness; so this blessed Lord Jesus, as the Sun of righteousness, is ever dispersing the beams of His grace and the rays of His favour; and whenever those beams come, and those rays fall, there is light and life, and everything to make the soul holy and happy. Now a man would act very foolishly if, wishing to have light in his room when the sun was shining at noonday, he should shut all the shutters, and strike a match to give him a little light for a few moments. Let us not then be so foolish as to look for happiness or comfort in our own performances when the glorious Sun of righteousness is at the right hand of God, and shining thence upon believing hearts. But when the veil is over the heart, it is like shutters in a ...