
Showing posts from January 9, 2021
"That will by no means clear the guilty , " -Exodus 34:7 [KJV] Pause, my soul, over these solemn words! Will not Jehovah clear the guilty? And art thou not guilty? How then wilt thou come before God, either now or hereafter? Hearken, my soul, to what thy God hath also said; "deliver him from going down to the pit; I HAVE FOUND A RANSOM ." Oh! soul-reviving, soul-comforting words! yes, Jesus became my Surety, took my guilt, and bought me out of the hands of law and justice. God hath not therefore cleared the guilty, without taking ample satisfaction on the person of the sinner's Surety. Hence now the double claim of justice and grace demands the sinner's pardon. Here then, my soul, rest thy present and thine everlasting plea. Keep up a daily and hourly remembrance of it at the mercy seat. While Jesus lives, and lives there as thine Advocate, never doubt thy acceptance in the Beloved: guilty as thou art in thyself, yet spotless in Him. The same God which