
Showing posts from December 20, 2024

JESUS: Full of Grace, Almighty Arms & Everlasting Love

" Underneath are the everlasting arms." -Deuteronomy 33:27 [KJV] It is related of Anteus, that every time Hercules threw him to the ground, he rose up the stronger, for he received new strength, by touching his mother, the earth. This is true of the Christian. The more he is assaulted, and thrown down by the enemy, the more he falls into the Lord’s everlasting arms, and gets fresh strength. He cannot be thrown down lower than God permits: for “underneath are the everlasting arms.” His word is full of grace—His arms almighty—His love everlasting. Here is the wisdom, here the glory of the Lord’s people, to look for themselves, to go out of themselves, for safety and salvation.  For they rest upon God’s word. They believe the Lord to be all that to them, which He has said. This is living by faith—honouring the Lord’s truth—glorifying the Saviour’s name. Why are we told? “Underneath are the everlasting arms.” Because we know and see ourselves deserving of hell, a...

JESUS, An Anchor Sure and Steadfast

"And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope; and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt." -Hosea 2:15 [KJV] Now the "valley of Achor" signifies the "valley of trouble." It was the valley in which Achan was stoned. And why stoned? Because he had taken the accursed thing; because his eye had been captivated by the Babylonish garment and golden wedge, and he had buried them in the tent. This may throw a light on what the "valley of Achor" is spiritually. Perhaps you have been guilty of Achan's sin; you have been taking the accursed thing; have been too deeply connected with the world; have done things which God's displeasure is against. Let conscience speak in the bosom of each. The consequence has been, that you have got into the "valley of Achor!" Trouble, sorrow, and confusion are your lot, and you...

Gathering Together All Things in CHRIST

"Them also which sleep in Jesus, will God bring with Him." -I Thessalonians 4:14 [KJV] My soul, thy last night's thoughts, with which thou fell asleep, were upon a subject so truly connected with Jesus, that I hope thou couldest and didst say, "My meditation of Him was sweet!" There is another blessed thought, connected both with Jesus and it, that may be, proper to take along with it. Seek of God the Spirit to unfold its beauties in Jesus to thy view, this evening, and lead thee with it to fall asleep, this night, as on the former, in the Lord. The apostle opens it to thy meditation in these words; "They which sleep in Jesus, God will bring with Him." The bodies, as well as the souls of the redeemed, are alike the purchase of Christ's blood, and Jesus will have them all with Him. They are His jewels, His treasure. He suffers them to lie among the dust, it is true; but He saith Himself, though they have so lain, yet shall they be ...