
Showing posts from August 24, 2022

The Wednesday Word ~ 24 August, 2022 A.D.

  The Perfect Christ and His Perfect Gospel, Part II   by  D.G. Miles McKee    Consider this! The blood-shedding of Israel's sacrifices could not take away sins (Hebrews 10:4). Although the Old Testament sacrifices pointed towards the truth of the sinner’s substitute, these sacrifices were, in effect, more of a remembrance of sins than an act that took them away.   The Old Testament sacrifices demonstrated that before sin could be forgiven, an innocent life must be taken. However, the continual repetition of the same kind of sacrifice year after year actually exposed the weakness and insufficiency of the Old Covenant. A more powerful and effective sacrifice was needed to, fully and finally, put away sin.   But where could a new more powerful and effective sacrifice be found? The answer is “In Christ Alone.” One man and one man only, the God/Man, has accomplished and finished the final blood sacrifice.  In Christ, a perfect life has been presented as the sinner’s substitute. By His

CHRIST JESUS ~ Fountain of Living Water

  "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water." - John 4:10 [KJV] We cannot know the  nature,  though we may know the  necessity,  of the gift of God, till we experience its power as revealed and shed abroad in our soul.  Then  we know some measure of the gift of God when we feel eternal life flowing through our spiritual veins. How do I know I live naturally? Is not my participation of natural life known to me by an internal consciousness that I possess it? I know I live, because I feel that I live. And so, if we have spiritual life, there will be, at times and seasons, an internal consciousness that we have it; we shall feel the spiritual heart beat, and the spiritual lungs breathe, and the spiritual eyes see, and the spiritual ears hear: in a word, we shall be internally conscious of those emotions and sensations which are peculiar to the life of God in the