
Showing posts from February 12, 2025

The Wednesday Word ~ 12 February, 2025 A.D.

A ´Little´ Big Phrase in the Bible by D.G. Miles McKee " Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God , let us hold fast our profession ." - Hebrews 4:14   We so very often miss the “little big phra s es” of Scripture. We’ve just read one. It said, “ We have .” Did you notice it?  “Seeing then that  we have  a great high priest.” I’m glad that it didn’t merely say, “There is a great high priest!” No! It says instead that we have a great high priest. He is already ours!   Our High Priest is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ! He is the One Who is superior to all the high priests of the Old Testament. He is the One Who replaced all the high priests of the Old Testament. He is the One Who is seated on the throne of grace. He is the One Who is filled with love and sympathy for His blood-purchased people. He is the One Who ever lives to apply the benefits of His atonement to ...

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 12 February, 2025 A.D.

" Behold, if the L ORD would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?" -II Kings 7:2 [KJV] This is a daring reply to, "Thus saith the L ORD ." The word of the Lord promises, by a great plenty, instantly to relieve His people from a great famine. Doubtless, with a witty sneer, this great peer of the earth uttered this reply to Elisha, as though he had said, “Behold, ye people, do not mind what this mad fellow says; use your reason; judge of the nature of things by your senses: do you think God will make windows in heaven, to pour down corn for you? there is no other possible way for such a supply as Elisha talks of.”   Thus, with an imperious air he insults the prophet, and exalts his carnal reason and unbelief against the Lord’s word of promise. Today, he prides himself in his wisdom; to-morrow, he perishes, and is trod under foot, as an unbelieving fool. Here, see the cursed nature of carnal reason; here, behold the dreadful evil of rejecting th...

Shut-In in Christ JESUS, Ark of our Salvation

"And the L ORD shut him in." -Genesis 7:16 [KJV] It was a sweet invitation to the patriarch Noah, when the Lord called him to the ark. Jehovah did not say, Go thou into the ark; but, "Come." So saith Jesus to His people: "Come with Me, from Lebanon, My spouse; with Me, from Lebanon." Yes, precious Jesus, to be with Thee is heaven; for Thou Thyself art the heaven of the soul. But observe further, my soul: when Noah had entered the ark, what kept him there? "The L ORD shut him in."   Yes, neither bolts nor bars were his security; but God Himself, in His covenant engagements, kept him. The patriarch could no more get out, than the unbelieving carnal throng (who perhaps hung about the ark when they saw the flood arise, and felt its power) could get in. Precious Jesus! and what is it keeps Thy people now? Is it not Thyself? Are not thy redeemed eternally secure in Thee, and Thy blood and righteousness, as Noah in the ark? Yes, Thou Who ...


"I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love." -Hosea 11:4 [KJV] When God draws His people near unto Himself, it is not done in a mechanical way. They are drawn, not with cords of iron, but with the cords of a man; the idea being of something feeling, human, tender, touching; not as if God laid an iron arm upon His people to drag them to His breast, whether they wished to come or not. This would not be grace nor the work of the Spirit upon the heart. God does not so act in a way of mechanical force. We therefore read, "Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy power" (Psalm 110:3) .  He touches their heart with His gracious finger, like the band of men whom He thus inclined to follow Saul (I Samuel 10:26) ; He communicates to their soul both faith and feeling; He melts, softens, and humbles their heart by a sense of His goodness and mercy; for it is His goodness, as experimentally felt and realised, which leads to repentance. If you have e...