
Showing posts from January 23, 2020

Christ Alone Be Magnified!

"He MUST Increase, but I MUST Decrease" -J OHN 3:30 [KJV] This was spoken of the Redeemer by His forerunner John. And it is not to be considered as the language of complaint or sullen agreement as if he would say, "I dislike it; but it is unavoidable. It is my grief; and I must bear it." No. It was as agreeable to his feelings as it was firm in his belief. And it showed a fine and a noble soul in John. The spirit that is in us lusteth to envy. We love to be distinguished above others. We wish to rise, even by the fall of others. It is trying, even to a good man, to withdraw, and see a successor filling his place better than himself, and, as the honors he has worn are transferred to another, to say, "He must increase, but I must decrease." It is not an easy thing to go down well, or for a setting star to exult in a rising sun. But it was thus to John. He knew his rank and approved his place. He was the servant, not the Master: the friend, ...


Often people ask this question to find out about our religious background and heritage. As if to say that it doesn't really matter what persuasion we are or what we believe, just as long as we are sincere and make some sort of confession. Those to whom the Lord has been pleased to reveal the gospel, are fully convinced and totally persuaded of what God in His grace has been pleased to teach them from the scripture. Believers are no longer tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, they are committed and addicted to the truth [EPHESIANS 4:14 ] . Have you been fully persuaded by God the Holy Spirit? It is not presumption to believe all the precious promises of God [II PETER 1:3 ] . It would be presumption to believe that God is going to save wretched sinners, if He did not tell us in His Word that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners [MATTHEW 9:13 ] . Let me give two examples of believers who were fully persuaded. Abraham did not pres...