Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 27 August, 2024 A.D.

"Peter said unto Him, Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now? I will lay down my life for Thy sake." -John 13:37 [KJV]

Peter seems now in a happy frame indeed. All is warmth of love and sunshine of joy. Ecstacies carry us out of ourselves. We forget what we are, where we are, what we are exposed to, and what may soon befall us. Like Peter on the mount, we are apt to speak without due consideration. We know not what we say. The fire of passion exceeds the bounds of solid judgment. “Why cannot I follow Thee now? Let the way be strewed with ever so many difficulties—let ever so many dangers oppose, nothing is able to dismay or dishearten me. I have just now such fervent love to Thee, that I could face death in the most frightful form, and lay down my life with the greatest pleasure for Thy sake.” 

Doubtless, Peter now thought himself perfect and free from all sin. What thinkest, O soul? Is Peter’s language becoming him or not? Is it not a noble and generous declaration? Art thou ready to say, I wish I could boldly say so too? Ah, soul! whatever thou mayest think of these high flown expressions, our Lord soon took poor Peter down. Do not be discouraged at hearing professors speak great swelling words. I was once where a person said, “This world is nothing to me. It is quite under my feet. I have so much love, that I care no more about the world, than if I were not in it.” Lord, thought I, what a wretch am I? Not fit to be Thy disciple. 

But, alas! in a little time, the world attracted that same person (I fear) from Jesus, under its power. Beware of self-confidence. Live low; lie low; think low; speak low of thyself, let thy frames be what they may. Now hear our Lord’s reply to Peter. “Wilt thou lay down thy life for My sake?” I do not question thy sincerity, but I do thy strength. I pity thy vain confidence: I am concerned for thy self-sufficiency. Poor vain man; thou hast turned thine eye from My love, to thine own. Thou trustest in the glow of thine affections—thy confidence is in thy fine frames and warm feelings, instead of My love to thee, and My power to uphold thee. 

“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, (instead of laying down thy life for me) the cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied Me thrice.” What shall we say to this? Verily, every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah (Psalm 39:5.) Consider this: and ever remember the unchangeable love of Christ to such poor, vain, changeable creatures. Well may He say, “I am the LORD, I change not, therefore ye are not consumed.” -Malachi 3:6. 


Now warm with love our souls are bold, 

For Christ we count all things but loss: 

Anon, alas! our hearts grow cold. 

We shrink and flee from every cross. 

Love follows us thro’ all our ways, 

Melts down and breaks our stubborn hearts; 

The love of Jesus ne’er decays, 

But saves us from all hellish arts.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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