"For by one offering, He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." -Hebrews 10:14 [KJV] I hope, my soul, thou hast still upon thee the sweet savour of His name, whom in the morning portion thou didst contemplate as wonderful. And if so, here is another view of Jesus, presented to thine evening meditation, to keep alive the blessed fragrancy, and under the Spirit's influence, to preserve both, not only through the night, but to the morning; and every night, and every morning that follows, until the night of death be passed, and that everlasting morning break in upon thee, in which thy sun shall no more go down, but Jesus Himself be thine everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. Look, my soul, this evening, at thy Jesus, as this sweet scripture sets Him forth, and behold Him, in His high priestly office, at once the sacrifice, the sacrificer, and the altar, on which He hath offered up that one offering, by which He "hath perfected for ever them that are...