
Showing posts from November 26, 2019

The God of my Salvation

"The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted" [PSALM 18:46 ] . Salvation means the entirety of that work of Jehovah whereby sinners are delivered from sin and all of its effects and raised to the heights of everlasting glory through the blood and righteousness of Christ. Here is the message of scripture: "Salvation is of the LORD" [JONAH 2:9 ] . 1. God purposed salvation. "...Chosen unto salvation before the foundation of the world" [II THESSALONIANS 2:13 ] . 2. God provided salvation. "...God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering" [GENESIS 22:8 ] . 3. God possesses salvation, it is His to give. "Shew us Thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us Thy salvation" [PSALM 85:7 ] . 4. God has the prerogative to grant salvation to whom He will. "...I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious" [EXODUS 33:17 ] . 5. God proclaims salvation. "Behold, the ...
"And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness." - ROMANS 8:10   We want two things in lively operation; a spiritual death and a spiritual life. We want death put upon the flesh, upon sin, upon everything which is ungodly, that it may not reign or rule; and we want also the communication and maintenance of a divine life which shall act Godward, exist and co-exist in the same breast, and be in activity at the same moment. Here is sin striving for the mastery; but here also is a view of the cross of Christ; here is a testimony of bleeding, dying love. This puts a death upon sin. But as death is put upon sin and the lust is mortified, crucified, resisted, or subdued, there springs up a life of faith and prayer, of hope and love, of repentance and godly sorrow for sin, of humility and spirituality, of a desire to live to God's praise and walk in His fear. The cross gives both. From the cross comes de...


"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." -I John 3:1 [KJV] There is a great deal said in religious circles about the love of God, but few have a real scriptural concept of the truth of God's love as it is manifested in the scriptures. The general idea most people have is, "that God loves everybody without exception and is trying His best to save everybody, but the sinner will not cooperate." The truth of God's character revealed in the word is that God is Holy, Just and His love is always in harmony with His Holy character as a Just God and a Saviour [ISAIAH 45:21 ] . Those for whom He loves in Christ [REVELATION 1:5] , elected in Christ [JOHN 6:37 ] , redeemed in Christ [ E PHESIANS 1:7 ] must be justified in Christ [ R OMANS 8:28-30 ] and will be called out of bondage into Light [ C OLOSSIANS 1:12-13 ] . Here are some scriptures that describe this true love of God to His ...

Thanksgiving and Prayer

The Apostle Paul says, “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” [ I T HESSALONIANS 5:17-18 ] . This is the will of God; that we rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks. What we are, what we have, where we are, and all that happens in the life of a believer are all according to the will of God for us. Let us rejoice in prosperity or adversity and live in an attitude of thanksgiving and prayer, even when we have no particular request. Very ungrateful is the man who does not set so high a value on the love of God, the righteousness of Christ, and the hope of eternal life that he allows anything in this life to overshadow that wonderful gift of grace. How can I murmur and complain when I am a child of the King of Kings? - Gospel report by preacher Henry T. Mahan Please find enclosed link to Audio Gospel Sermons: