BLESSED ARE THE FORGIVEN: short audio Gospel message
NOTE : dear brethren, please read Psalm ch. 32 (short reading) which greatly exalts Christ JESUS, the LORD our righteousness, as it also deeply comforts, cheers and edifies God's elect saints. Please find enclosed a short Gospel message (21 min. 30 sec.). You might have to copy & paste the enclosed link. I'm not sure how to make it a "hyper-link." The LORD JESUS CHRIST be magnified for ever and ever! With love, " Sinner Saved " P.S. let us continue to be importunate in prayer unto God Most High: continually asking, seeking & knocking in prayer unto Abba (-Father) in JESUS' name for one another along with much thanksgiving and praise unto our soon coming KING OF GLORY. Be of good cheer brethren-in-Christ for that THE BEST IS YET TO COME!