
Showing posts from August 20, 2024

Free Will vs. Free Grace ~ WARNING

Free-will doctrine teaches that the success of the Father’s eternal election of some unto salvation, the triumph of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit are all dependent upon the will of the sinner.  Such teaching is contrary to Scripture and repulsive to those who have been given an understanding of the gospel of free grace.   Hear the Word of the Lord. “Salvation is of the L ORD ”   (Jonah 2:9c) .  The purpose of the Father to save a chosen multitude cannot be frustrated.  The redemptive work of Jesus Christ by which He satisfied divine justice, finished transgression, put away the sins of His people, made reconciliation for iniquity and brought in everlasting righteousness shall never be a failure.  The quickening power of the Holy Spirit cannot be thwarted or resisted.  He will regenerate dead sinners, grant them repentance from dead works and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.      Make no mistake about it, any message associated

Contend for The Faith

" Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." -Jude 3 [KJV] When St. Paul was preaching the most important truths of the everlasting gospel at Corinth, he was brought before the judgment seat, and accused for his doctrine. Poor Gallio would not concern himself about the matter. He considered it all as a strife of words, and a contention about names. I will be no judge, says he. He cared for none of these things. His heart was totally unacquainted with the faith of God’s saints. But art thou a partaker of like precious faith with the Apostles? and canst thou be a Gallio too? Know, if thou wilt not contend for the faith, hell and earth are in arms, to contend against. What is the faith here spoken of?  (1st.) The doctrines of faith revealed in the word: the whole scheme of evangelical truths, inspired by the Spirit of God. These are received by faith: are the rule, the warrant, the support, and the glory and joy of faith. Such as the

Thought for the Day ~ 20 August, 2024 A.D.

" If God thinks fit to declare the sinner righteous, it is in order that He may by that means restore him to holiness." -A. H. Strong, Systematic Theology , p.869