
Showing posts from January 28, 2025


" Ye have need of patience; that after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." —Hebrews 10:36 [KJV] Are the Christian's exercises great, and his patience small? Yet can he ever be at a loss to know by whom this grace is increased? Verily the Lord he serveth is "the God of patience." —Romans 15:5 Hath he need of patience? Hear the Comforter's declaration, by St. Paul: "My God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory." Mind, disciple, this is covenant mercy; therefore, with every other grace it comes through a Mediator: hence it is added, "by Jesus Christ."—Phil. 4:19.  We do the will of God when we believe on the name of his Son Jesus, and love one another . —see I John 3:23 "And all the promises are in Christ Jesus, yea and amen," sure and certain to every believing soul. "By faith we have the earnest of eternal life." Having received the first fruits, the harv...

Christ JESUS ~ The Strength of my Heart & Portion For Ever

"As having nothing, and yet possessing all things." -II Corinthians 6:10 [KJV] My soul, hast thou learnt this holy science? There are three blessed lessons the Holy Ghost teacheth on this ground. As, first, the believer is thoroughly emptied of himself. Art thou thus taught of God? Hast thou been led to see, to feel, to know, to be convinced that, after all thine attainments, after all thy long standing in the school of Jesus, thou hast nothing, canst do nothing, art worse than nothing, and, literally, hast no more in thyself now to recommend thee to Jesus, than the first moment thou didst hear of His name? This is to have nothing; this is to be poor in spirit.  Secondly , dost thou possess all things in Jesus? Yes, if so be thou art living out of thyself wholly upon Him; and how is this known? Nothing more evident. When a sense of my emptiness endears to me His fulness; my poverty, His riches; my weakness, His strength; my sins, His righteousness; my guilt, His...

Examining Ourselves

"The fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is." -I Corinthians 3:13 [KJV] How careful and anxious we should be to have two points well secured in our hearts. First, to be right as concerns the foundation. "Do I believe in the Son of God? Have I clear views of the Sonship, the Deity, and the pure humanity of the Christ of God? Have I drunk in no secret error? Am I hiding in my bosom no corrupt doctrine? Is my creed sound? Is the word of God received by me, as God has revealed it, into a believing heart?" How many are wrong as to the foundation itself. Then comes, "Am I upon the foundation? Did God Himself put me there? Did I see its suitability to my lost and undone soul? Did the blessed Spirit take of the things of Christ and reveal them to me in the hour of need? Was the Son of God made precious to my soul by an act of faith? Am I looking to Him, cleaving to Him, longing for Him, hanging upon Him, and trusting wholly to His Person and w...