
Showing posts from June 5, 2024

The Wednesday Word ~ 05 June, 2024 A.D.

The Living Christ and the Scriptures  by D.G. Miles McKee One old time preacher used to say, “The Word has mighty free course among us nowadays, for it goes in one ear and out the other.” An amusing observation, but often true!   There are no words anywhere to compare to God’s words, yet we are often complacent about them. We seem to easily forget that God Himself, via human agency, has written the Bible for us. That is why it is a privilege to study, read and meditate on what He has said ( Joshua 1:8, Proverbs 2:1-5 ).   It’s best not to fall into the trap of waiting till we feel like reading the Scriptures before reading them; we simply read and meditate on them till we feel like it!  As we meditate on the Scriptures our world is often turned upside down! Indeed, as we read the scriptures they read us and challenge us.  But more than that they bring us to Jesus and bring Jesus to us.   Jesus was a man of the Scriptures. Think of how He, as a man, mastered them. They w


" Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart." -Psalm 97:11 [KJV] He, who never doubts his sincerity to God, has great reason to suspect his knowledge of himself. An hypocrite cannot be a Christian. Yet there is hypocrisy in the fallen nature of every Christian. Such are ever suspecting themselves. At times, they fear, lest they should turn out nothing but hypocrites at last. This is a proof, that their hearts are upright with Christ; their fears and suspicions are a blessed means, of keeping them from falling away from Him.  Righteous souls pass through many dark frames and disagreeable experiences. Sometimes, they are put to a stand, ready to question if all be right within or not. For, they are the subjects of a nature, in which dwells every evil, which wars against God, the peace, holiness, and comfort of their souls. Hence they are sometimes in seasons of darkness. They see not things in the light of truth: they enjoy not the com