
Showing posts from August 29, 2024

My Sins Are Not Hid From Thee (Psalm 69:5)

King David was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write many psalms, some of which are classified by Bible scholars as messianic, meaning that David spoke both of himself literally and of the Lord Jesus Christ typically and prophetically. Psalm 69 is a messianic psalm. When we read verses like Psalm 69:5, which says, “O God, Thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from Thee,” we can easily see how such language applies to David as a sinner saved by the grace of God in Christ. Like all true believers, David confessed that he in himself was a foolish man who had no wisdom but Christ and the Word of God in Christ. He confessed that, even as justified by God based on the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ and though not charged with his sin by God (cf. Psalm 32:1-2; Rom. 4:6-8; 8:33-34), in himself he was still a sinful man. He knew his sins were not hidden from God’s view (2 Sam. 12:9; Psalm 51:4).  But how could these words in any way apply to our Lord and Sav

Thought for the Day ~ 29 August, 2024 A.D.

"F aith is not the cause or condition of ... reconciliation; faith does not make peace with God, or reconciliation for sin, but receives the atonement already made ."  - John Gill , The Cause of God in Truth , p.103


" Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." -II Corinthians 12:9 [KJV] Though St. Paul is not now in the third heavens, yet he is not content, to speak any language below the superlative degree, most gladly. O, says he, “I have had the richest experience of my own weakness and impotence, that ever I had in my life. I should be most glad, every day, to be thus emptied and laid low at the feet of Christ, that the all-sufficiency of His grace, and the power of His strength might be made perfect in me.  What does he mean by infirmities? All that weakness, feebleness, and inability, which he found in his nature, to withstand sin and Satan, to bear up under His crosses, trials, and distresses—to run the way of God’s commandments—to fight the good fight of faith, etc. I will rather glory in these. What means he? I will glory, rejoice, and be glad, that self is laid low, my proud nature debased, my self-ex