
Speak of Christ JESUS and His Glory

" ...when he saw His glory, and spake of Him." -John 12:41 [KJV] Ministers who do not preach Christ, sinners who do not speak of Christ, are objects of pity, not of our wrath. Their eyes are blind to His matchless glory. Their hearts do not understand His unparalleled love.  But consider, (1st.) When once Christ’s glory is displayed, and His love believed in the heart, the tongue will speak of Him. So Isaiah found it. So did that poor woman of Samaria, “she ran into the city,” she catched hold of one and another. She eagerly cried, “Come, see a man who told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ?” Surely it is, what think ye? (John 4:29.) She had sweet experience. Here was no self-exalting. No cry, see me, admire me. What fine experience I have got! One is sometimes grieved to read, or hear people tell of their experiences, when they tend only to make the poor sinner appear, as somewhat glorious in his own eyes, and to be admired by his fellow

Belief of The Truth

All men and women are born into this world spiritually “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1) .  All are under the curse of the law, and all are deserving of eternal damnation.  “But God” !   God chose to show mercy to some sinners through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.   Had God not chosen to do that, not one soul would have been saved.  Contrary to what many may believe, there is no rejection in election. God did not choose for some to be saved and some to be damned. Mankind was already damned.   God elected to save His people from damnation, and He reveals who He chose to do this for through the Holy Spirit giving a sinner “ Belief of the Truth” (II Thessalonians 2:13) .  Therefore, all who have been given this faith to believe on the saving work and blood of Christ alone are bound to give thanks to God for choosing to save them before the foundation of the world.  -preacher Gabe Stalnaker


Finished means finished!  Done means done!  Our Lord really, freely, fully and forever redeemed His elect by His substitutionary sacrifice on Calvary’s Tree. “By one offering He has perfected forever them that are sanctified.”   By His own blood He entered once into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.  “But now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.”                                                             -preacher Tim James

Consider JESUS, The Captain of our Salvation!

" Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees." -Hebrews 12:12 [KJV] Are you saying, My troubles are many, my burden is great, and hope deferred makes my heart sick? True, a faint heart makes weak hands and feeble knees. Then afflictions become intolerable, duty tiresome, prayer irksome, the ordinances like dry breasts, the lamp of spiritual life is expiring, the poor sinner grows dejected and dispirited, is ready to give up hope, and give way to despondency. The Comforter inspires a work for such, “lift up your hands,” etc. Do you say, the advice is good, but the practice hard?  St. Paul supposes it: for he introduces it with wherefore . O, I dearly love these Scripture adverbs! Much courage and comfort are gained by attending to them. Wherefore or for which reason, lift up your weak hands, or the weak hands of others. Consider, why, or wherefore we should do this.  (1st.) We have Jesus to look unto for patience. He is the Author and Fin

Two Covenants

“These are the two covenants” -Galatians 4:24 [KJV]   The God of the Bible, the Living God, is a covenant making, covenant keeping God.  He has made two covenants.  The covenant of works and the covenant of grace, or the old covenant and the new covenant.  The new covenant is actually older than the old covenant because it is eternal, called “The everlasting covenant” in Scripture.   The covenant of works make some aspect of your salvation dependent upon what you do.  There is something you must first do before God can do something for you.  It is God’s response to what you do.  In reality it is God paying you for services rendered.  If you are saved  because of anything you have first done, if works you perform make you more holy and less sinful, if you believe higher rewards in heaven will be meted out to those who have been “better Christians” you are under the covenant of works and under its curse!   The covenant of grace has salvation completely dependent upon wha

Rock of Ages

  Rock of Ages, cleft for me,  Let me hide myself in Thee Let the water and the blood,  From Thy wounded side which flowed Be of sin the double cure,  Save from wrath and make me pure.   Not the labor of my hands,  Can fulfill the law’s demands Could my zeal no resting know,  Could my tears forever flow All for sin could not atone;  Thou must save, and Thou alone.   Nothing in my hand I bring,  Simply to the cross I cling Naked, come to Thee for dress;  Helpless look to Thee for grace Foul, I to the fountain fly;  Wash me, Savior, or I die.    While I draw this fleeting breath,  When mine eyes shall close in death When I soar to worlds unknown,  See Thee on Thy judgment Throne Rock of Ages, cleft for me,  Let me hide myself in Thee.


" She said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table ." -Matthew 15:27 [KJV] Here is blessed reasoning. It produced admiration in the Lord: “O woman, great is thy faith!” It obtained a free grace grant from Him also: “Be it unto thee, even as thou wilt.” Great faith! How does it appear? We do not find she came to Christ in full assurance of faith; saying, I know Thou art my Saviour, I am assured Thou hast loved me, and wilt save me. No. Still there was great faith without this. Look at her faith. Imitate it. She honoured the Lord by it. He honours her for it. (1st.) She was in trouble: she flies instantly to Christ. She tells him of her sorrows. “Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.” To cry to Jesus for mercy, under a sense of being vexed with a devil, is the prayer of faith, and honours the Lord of glory.  (2d.) Here are great discouragements. Christ answers her not a word. The dis