
Showing posts from January 29, 2025


"He that believeth on Him is not condemned." —John 3:18 [KJV] Dost thou believe on the Son of God? is the most important question in the world. Faith in Jesus is the "one thing needful." Without this the day of life is a state of sin and condemnation. The night of death, full of terror; and the day of judgment, most dreadful. It cannot be otherwise. As we are all malefactors, under the sentence of the law, the thoughts of execution must be most alarming. But 'what the eye doth not see, the heart doth not rue.' Sin naturally blinds men's eyes, hardens their hearts; and vain self-righteous hopes deceive their souls into an insensibility of their undone state. What a special mercy to know one's self! what distinguishing grace to know Jesus! what peculiar favor to know one is delivered from condemnation by Him! This is the joyful privilege of every believer. Though the law condemns him as a transgressor, yet God doth not impute sin, but ...

Thought for the Day ~ 29 January, 2025 A.D.

  The Athenians mocked when they heard of the resurrection of the dead; and the Sadducees greatly erred on this subject, "not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God , " and many of the Corinthians imbibed the same poison of unbelief. But Job thought it not "a thing incredible that God should raise the dead." He firmly believed the doctrine, and gave it a prominent place in his confession. He knew that God is able to watch and preserve the dust of His saints; has His eye upon every particle, throughout all the periods of time; and through the Divine Mediator, "will raise it up at the last day."   This doctrine was to him a great consolation in his unparalleled afflictions. Though my skin, says he, is a tissue of disease and corruption, yea, though my body sink into the earth, and be eaten up of the worms, and my very reins be consumed within me, yet in my flesh, in this same body - reorganized, reanimated, and made immortal from the tomb - ...

CHRIST JESUS ~ The Form of a Servant

"If the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children, I will not go out free. Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul (- awl ) , and he shall serve him for ever." -Exodus 21:5, 6 [KJV] How sweet is scripture explained by scripture! Jesus saith, when sacrifice and offering under the law were both unprofitable, "Mine ears hast Thou opened;" or, as it might have been rendered, "Mine ears hast Thou digged." -Psalm 40:6   And elsewhere, "The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious." -Isaiah 50:5 The apostle to the Hebrews decidedly explains this in reference to Christ, Hebrew 10:5 And what was all this but to shew the voluntary service of Jesus to the office and work of the Redeemer. Was not Jesus, in all that high work, the servant of Jehovah?  Though He was in the form...

The Wednesday Word ~ 29 January, 2025 A.D.

The Gospel and Faith , Part II by D G Miles McKee     “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God...” -Romans 5:1 [KJV] What a wonderful gift of God faith really is! It enables us to take hold of the ‘so great salvation’ that has been accomplished in and by Christ Jesus. When we are given faith, it agrees with God’s verdict that our human righteousness is no cleaner than a filthy rag (see Isaiah 64:6) . In the light of this, faith causes us to abandon all hope of ever being saved by our own goodness. The more we are bathed and washed in the gospel, however, the more we will realize that it is not because we have been born again or been filled with the Spirit or have had this or that new blessing that we are fully accepted. Faith sees clearly that we are not made more accepted in heaven because of experiences. Faith’s vision is not foggy! Faith does not rest on our experiences no matter how intense they have been. Faith sees that our full acceptan...

Guilty Sinners Flee for Refuge to the LORD JESUS

"Lay hold on eternal life." -I Timothy 6:12 [KJV] The main office of the hand is to take hold of and grasp an object. The human hand is the master-piece of anatomy, the fingers and the strong opposing thumb being expressly constructed by their Divine Artificer to seize and retain objects; and therefore every muscle, artery, vein and nerve conspire together to fulfil this destined office. Is there not in the office of faith something analogous to and corresponding with this? What says the Lord? "Let him take hold of My strength that he may make peace with Me, and he shall make peace with Me." -Isaiah 27:5   There is a taking hold, then, of God's strength. Is not this by faith? Is there any other grace of the Spirit which takes hold of the Lord, as Jacob took hold of the wrestling angel, or as sinking Peter laid hold of the hand of Jesus? "Lay hold on eternal life" is Paul's charge to Timothy. But how is eternal life, and especially J...