
Showing posts from December 8, 2023


" Though he fall he shall not be utterly cast down; for the L ORD upholdeth him with His hand." —Psalm 37:24 [KJV] The absolute declarations and promises of scripture are ever to be considered as having relation to, and dependence upon the covenant of grace. Hence, whatever is asserted concerning the salvation of lost sinners, is an exhibition or display of the grace of the covenant by Jesus Christ. When men see not the nature of the covenant, ordered in all things and sure, they make the promises of the gospel as it were a mere rope of sand.  Not seeing salvation, established upon the sure foundation of God's immutable love and faithfulness, they make it depend on human wisdom, power, and goodness. Poor comfort for sensible souls. Though pride for a time may keep up the vain hopes of the self-righteous and self-deluded—How long? Till they are tried by fire. The just man's standing is of God's power. His falls are from his own frailty. That he is ra...