
Showing posts from February 10, 2025


" The grace of God that bringeth salvation, hath appeared to all men." -Titus 2:11 [KJV] Here are three blessed and glorious truths. They demand the constant attention of our minds: they tend to sink into the deepest humility of heart, to excite the greatest joy of spirit, and to inspire the most ardent love and gratitude of soul.  (1st.) Salvation . This was the council of heaven; the work of the Son of God; the wonder of angels; the envy of devils, and the glory of apostate, rebellious sinners—sinners, who were born with enmity of heart, rebellion of will, and hatred of affections against God: and who have manifested the enmity of their mind by wicked works; the rebellion of their will, by taking arms against the Lord; and the hatred of their affections, by refusing to lay them down, and submit unto Him.  O that precious word! full of wonder, grace, and love; “God commendeth His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us; when we we...

Do you believe in JESUS for Life and Salvation?

"Unto you, therefore, which believe, He is precious." -I Peter 2:7 [KJV] My soul, art thou anxious to know whether thou art a true believer in Jesus? Try it, then, by this mark, which the Holy Ghost hath given by His servant the apostle. Do you believe in Jesus for life and salvation? Yes, truly; if so be He is precious. Look at Him, then. Is Jesus precious in His person, precious in His work, precious in His offices, precious in His relations, precious in His whole character? Do you know Him, so as to love Him, to live to Him, to rejoice in Him, and to cast your whole soul upon Him, for life and salvation?  Do you accept him as the Father's gift, the Sent, the Sealed, the Anointed, the Christ, of the Father? Is He so precious, that there is nothing in Him but what you love—nothing that you would part with? His cross is dear, as well as His crown! Afflictions with Jesus, sweeter than prosperity without Him! Pause over these questions. Recollect that there is no...

The Word of God Communicates LIFE

"For the word of God is quick and powerful." -Hebrews 4:12 [KJV] What is meant by the word of God being "quick?" That it moves with swiftness and velocity? It is certainly said of God's word (Psalm 147:15) that "it runneth very swiftly;" but that is not the meaning of the word "quick" in the text. It there means "living," and corresponds with the expression (Acts 7:38) "lively (-living) oracles." It is an old English word signifying "living;" as in the expression, "Who shall judge the quick and the dead" (II Timothy 4:1) , that is, the living and the dead. So we read of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram "going down quick (that is, alive) into the pit" (Numbers 16:30) . So the Lord is said to have "quickened (that is, made spiritually alive) those who were previously dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1) . The word "quick," then, means not moving with...