
Showing posts from July 15, 2024


“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ .” -John 1:17 [KJV] "Grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:21) .  The grace that saves the sinner is not mere pity and sentiment such as we find in the creature. The grace that saves sinners is established on the principles of an honored law and a satisfied justice, (Romans 3:23-26) .  Grace does not ignore the law nor set aside its requirements. No! It establishes the law, (Romans 3:31) . Grace establishes the law because it has a Substitute who perfectly fulfilled the law and endured the death penalty for all who believe, in order that God may be both just (- righteous ) and Justifier.  Law manifests what is in men- SIN! Grace manifests what is in God- LOVE! Law demands righteousness from men! Grace brings righteousness to men! Law sentences men to death! Grace brings dead men to life! Law speaks of what I must do! Grace tells what Christ has done!

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 15 July, 2024 A.D.

"...but the body is of Christ." -Colossians 2:17 [KJV] There is not a greater instance of the depravity of the human mind, and the blindness of the understanding, than its seeking happiness in the shadow of things, instead of the substance. What is all created good, but the shadow of Him Who created it? Yet we are prone to grasp at the shadow, and seek to be satisfied with it, while we neglect God the substance. But all, like a shadow, eludes our embraces. Still we are restless and pursuing. It is just the same in spiritual things.  We are prone to take up, and rest satisfied with the shadow of things, without the body, which is Christ. Yea, so foolish are we, that unless we are kept, even after we have known the substance and fulness of Christ, and see that we are complete in Him, we turn again to trust in the shadow of our own works and duties. This is awful! “But the body is Christ.”   (1st.) Jehovah, Father, Son, and Spirit, have put the glory of every attri