
Showing posts from June 12, 2024

The Wednesday Word ~ 12 June, 2024 A.D.

Are We Saved by Faith?   by D.G. Miles McKee   Are we saved by faith?  What a great question. Before we answer it, however, we should establish the meaning of the word FAITH. First, we need to state that faith has nothing to do with what we feel about God, but rather it is believing what God feels about us. Horatius Bonar, the 19 th  century gospel preacher, helps us understand what it is to have faith.  He boldly says that, “To have faith means to be accepted despite being unacceptable. Faith believes that we have absolutely no righteousness before God but Jesus Christ.  By Faith we confess that the only thing about us which is good is that God has pronounced us righteous out of sheer mercy and for the sake of Jesus Christ. Faith acknowledges the complete absence of all goodness in us and saves, because it owns the complete salvation of Christ.” (H. Bonar, Everlasting Righteousness ). God has declared Himself in the person and finished work of the Lord Jesus (John 1:18).  W


" Wherefore look ye so sadly to-day?" -Genesis 40:7 [KJV] A sympathizing spirit at all times becomes Christians. They are called “to rejoice with them who do rejoice, and to weep with them who weep” (Romans 12:15.) Joseph could not observe the sad looks of his fellow prisoners, without inquiring the cause. They said, “We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter for it.” Mind the use Joseph made of the distress. He refers them to the Lord. “Do not interpretations belong unto God?” O may the Lord help us to make some improvement of this.  Consider, (1st.) Christians are all fellow prisoners in a body of sin and death.  (2d.) We are all subject, at one time or another, to have cause for sad looks.  (3d.) We should imitate Joseph. Be of a sympathizing spirit. Feel for one another’s distress. Inquire the cause of our brethren’s sad looks.  (4th.) As he did, so we should refer to the Lord. Aim, as enabled by the Lord, to speak a word in season, that if th