
Showing posts from November 29, 2020

SAVED IN THE LORD with an Everlasting Salvation!

  The longer I live, the more I feel that if there were one thing left undone, if the devil were not conquered, sin not expiated, justice not satisfied, the law not honored and magnified, death not overcome, and every burden not carried, I should not have a ray of hope.  I used to think I saw this as clear as the noon day thirty or forty years ago; but I saw it very differently then to what I see now, for I see and feel now that if one hair-breadth is left for me to do to merit heaven, or bring as a plea before God, I am undone for ever and ever.  But on the Mount of Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ undertook the cause of His people; and there is not a jot or tittle that He left undone, but, "By one offering He perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Hebrews 10:14) . Here is complete perfection - "Saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation" (Isaiah 45:17) .                          -John Warburton, 1853 A.D.


"O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock." -Song of Solomon 2:14 [KJV] Jesus is the hiding-place, the only hiding-place from sin and self. "Thou art my hiding place," said David of old. This was shewn to Moses, in figure, when the Lord put him into the cleft of a rock, which Toplady has so beautifully versified, to paint the longing desires of his soul:  "Rock of Ages, cleft for me,  Let me hide myself in Thee!"  It is on this "Rock of Ages" that God has built His Church. As a rock, He is deep as well as high—so deep as to have under-bottomed the depths of the fall, so high as to be God's fellow, seated at His right hand. As a rock, too, He is broad as well as long—broad enough to bear millions of living stones built on Him, and long enough to reach from eternity to eternity. The apostle, therefore, prays that the Church at Ephesus may comprehend with all saints, "what is the breadth and length, and depth and height, and