
Showing posts from August 29, 2022

Bringing us Nigh by BLOOD - keep praying, people of God

"Thus saith the L ORD , the Holy One of Israel, and His Maker, ask M e of things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands command ye Me." -Isaiah 45:11 [KJV] Nothing can give a higher proof of the love of God, than what the scriptures reveal concerning Him. He opened a way of access to Himself, when man by sin had lost the way; and in His dear Son He has made every provision for bringing us nigh by His blood . The throne of grace He hath opened for their approach; the assurance He hath given of accepting them in the Beloved [ JESUS CHRIST the LORD ]; the very tender and kind expressions which issue from the throne; and the answers which have been given to thousands, and are continually given to thousands who come there; yea, the promises with which they are surrounded, that "before they call, He will answer, and while they are speaking, He will hear:" all these are full of endearments, to shew forth the love of God in Jesus Christ to all His


"He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." - Psalm 107:20 [KJV]  What an effect a word from God can produce! Be it in reading; in hearing; on the knees; or in secret meditation; when a word drops from the Lord's mouth with any divine power into the soul, what a change it produces! And nothing but this divine power can ever bring a poor sinner out of his miserable condition. When this comes, it does the work in a moment; it heals all the wounds which sin has made, and repairs all the breaches in the conscience that folly has produced. One word from God heals them all. The Lord does not come as it were with plasters to heal first one sore and then another. He heals now as in the days of His flesh. When He healed then, He healed fully, at once, completely.   The earthly doctor heals by degrees; he puts a plaster on one sore, and a liniment on another; and heals one by one. But when the Lord heals, it is all done in a moment. The balm of