
Showing posts from May 23, 2020

The Golden Key & The Golden Thread

  JESUS IS THE ONE GREAT THEME both of the Old Testament and the New. The whole Bible is designed to testify of Christ, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me” [JOHN 5:39] . In Christ the Messiah, in Jesus the Savior, in the Son of God the Redeemer, all the truths of the Bible center. To Him all the types and shadows point! Of Him all the prophecies give witness! While all the glory of the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, culminates at the cross of Christ. The Bible would be an inexplicable mystery apart from Christ, who unfolds and explains it all. He is the O ne, the golden Key, which unlocks the divine treasury of revelation! Until He is seen, the Bible is in a sense, a great conundrum. But when He is found, it is a glorious revelation; every mystery opened, every enigma explained, every discrepancy harmonized, and every truth and page, sentence and word, quickened with a life and glowing with ...


There is no other. “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” All the types and symbols of the Savior teach you this. There was one ark in the flood – but one; and all perished save those who sailed in it. There was one altar in the temple – but one; and no sacrifices were accepted but those offered there – “the altar,” as the Bible says, that “sanctified the gift.” There was one way through the depths of the Red Sea – but one; and only where the water, held back by the hand of God, stood up in crystals walls, was a passage opened for those that were ready to perish. And even so, there is but “one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ; ” therefore, The only Redeemer of God’s elect is the Lord Jesus Christ. - Gospel report by preacher Thomas Guthrie (1803 – 1873 A.D.)

Christ Ransomed by Substitution!

“ Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and TO GIVE HIS LIFE A RANSOM FOR MANY.” - MATTHEW 20:28 [KJV] Jesus’ condescension and self-abnegation before His disciples was in response to the request of James and John to have an elevated place in the eternal kingdom [MATTHEW 20:20-23 ] . The Lord responded: the kingdom will “ be given to them for whom it is prepared of My Father ” [vs. 23 ] . By His declaration in verse 28, Jesus demonstrated to them the high value of being a servant. Then beyond that, Jesus declared the eternal, real and vital reason for His advent: Substitution for chosen sinners. Consider: “ to give H is life a ransom for many ” - Jesus didn’t enter humanity to take but “ to give ”. He gave to the physically infirmed by healing the sick and raising the dead. He gave to the spiritually infirmed by casting out demons and giving light in darkness. He said, “ I gave My back to the smiters, and My cheeks to them that plucked o...

Crying Unto God Most High

"Trust in H im at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before H im." -P SALM 62:8 [KJV]   Have we not sometimes been enabled to pour out our hearts at a throne of grace, and tell the Lord what we really wanted, what we really asked for, and tell him that nothing but that which he alone could give would satisfy our souls? There have been such times of access to the God of grace. And afterwards perhaps we have forgotten the things we told Him of; we have been heedless of the prayers we laid at His feet; and though very earnest at the time in seeking after certain blessings, we left them at the Lord's feet and forgot them all.   But the Lord does not forget them; they are treasured up in H is heart and memory; and in H is own time H e brings them to light, and gives the fulfilment of them. But before H e does it, H e will bring us into the spot where we want them again; and then we have to tell H im, and supplicate and ask H im again, ashamed of ...