
Showing posts from February 25, 2020

Divine Guidance

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also" - JOHN 14:3 [KJV]   By His successful work of reconciliation and redemption, our Savior has taken occupancy of everlasting glory for all of His people. In addition, He who has prepared a place for us by His substitutionary death, has also prepared the route to the place. The pathway of every believer may appear to us to lack any definite purpose, yet we are assured, "the steps of a good man are ordered (fixed, appointed) of the LORD" [PSALM 37:23 ] . He who chose us and redeemed us is directing our way through this world and guiding us safely to our eternal home on the course He predetermined. He will soon come again and receive us unto Himself and then we will be with Him forever. - Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA Please find enclosed link to...

Pandemic Preparations, II

PREPARE FOR LOVED ONES, ASAP! Friends, Consider the following short video of the normally stoic, tough Chinese people who are now confined to their city high rise building [porches], running out of food, water, medicine (etc.) at night in Wuhan. Population of Sub-Provincial, Urban and Metro areas at 40,000,000 souls. Carefully read the English sub-title of what is being said by the camera man. We best ACT NOW and PREPARE for loved ones as America is not going to be exempt from hammer-time. It took until today for the C.D.C. to FINALLY advise people to prepare for this pandemic. "He will keep the feet of His saints." -I SAMUEL 2:9 [KJV] With love, Billy

Great Hope - Songs of Deliverance

"He will keep the feet of H is saints." -I SAMUEL 2:9 [KJV] The Lord sees His poor scattered pilgrims travelling through a vale of tears, journeying through a waste howling wilderness, a path beset with gins, traps, and snares in every direction. How can they escape? Why, the Lord keeps their feet, carries them through every rough place, as a tender parent carries a little child; when about to fall, graciously lays the everlasting arms underneath them, and when tottering and stumbling, and their feet ready to slip, mercifully upholds them from falling altogether. Thus the Lord keeps the feet of His saints. But do you think that H e has not different ways for different feet? The God of creation has not made two flowers, nor two leaves upon a tree alike; and will H e cause all H is people to walk in precisely the same path? No; we have each our path, each our besetment, each our trials, each peculiar traps and snares laid for our feet. And the wisdom of the...