Bow Thy Heavens, O LORD - Come Down!
"Unto you that fear M y name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in H is wings." -M ALACHI 4:2 [KJV] Oh, what a mercy for the Church of Christ that the God and Father of the Lord Jesus has not left her as He might justly have left her, to perish in her sins, but has PROVIDED FOR HER A SAVIOUR, AND A GREAT ONE, and does from time to time encourage every poor, self-condemned sinner to hope in His mercy! The very things, poor, exercised soul, that most try your mind are the very things that make such a Saviour suitable to you. You are dark; this makes the Sun of righteousness exactly suitable to enlighten you. You are cold; this makes you want the Sun to warm you. You are cheerless and cast down; this makes you want the Sun to gladden you. You are barren and unfruitful, and lament that you cannot bring forth fruit to God's glory; you want the Sun to fertilize you. You are, at times, very dead in your feelings, and can scarcely find any i...