Heal us, O LORD JESUS!
" A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves..." -Luke 10:30 [KJV] An awful down-hill journey! Here is a true picture of the woeful backsliding of a believer from his Lord. (1st.) “He went down from Jerusalem,” which signifies the visions of peace. These are enjoyed by faith, in communion with Christ, and close walking with God. When these are departed from, it is going down, indeed! The way of sin is down hill; the descent is easy; the event, dreadful! It is going down from the delectable mountains, into the dreary vale of Jericho. This place was cursed by Joshua, (6:26.) It was very wicked in the days of Christ; so is this present world now. (2d.) “He fell among thieves;” so the believer, when he gives up himself to sinful company, vain delights and carnal diversions. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, steal his heart from God, and strip him of his raiment of purity and peace. (3d.)...