
Showing posts from April 23, 2020

Sing Praises to Christ

I sing praise to Christ my Redeemer, The Savior Who came from above; His death has obtained my redemption, Thank God for the Gift of His love. CHORUS : O praise  the Name, The Name of our Savior and King; O praise the Name, The Name of our Savior and King. I sing praise to Christ for His mercy, He died in my stead on the tree; On Him fell God’s vengeance and justice, For unworthy sinners like me. CHORUS My sin-debt was cancelled completely, When God’s Sacrifice took my place; He died and secured my redemption, What covenant mercy and grace! CHORUS I trust in this gracious Redeemer, My Prophet, High Priest and great King; My Advocate, Shepherd and Savior, His praises I joyfully sing. CHORUS My heart is rejoicing in Jesus, His blood washed my sins all away; And when I shall see Him in heaven, I’ll sing through eternity’s day. CHORUS Tune: “ Redeemed, ” p. 475 ( w/chorus) Words by Pastor Jim Byrd   


“ Thou wentest forth for the salvation of Thy people, even for salvation with Thine anointed; Thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah.” - HABAKKUK 3:13 [KJV]   Christ Jesus did not leave heaven’s glory and come forth into this world to make a down payment on the salvation of spiritually bankrupt sinners. He did not come to do His part in salvation, leaving some aspect of it to be accomplished by the helpless for whom He came. He did not come to assist sinners in salvation; He did not come to instruct the lost in the art of self-salvation or to teach the spiritually diseased how to heal themselves. He did not come to put all men in a savable position. He came to save those the Father gave Him from every effect of sin by rendering to the law of God it’s just demands, a perfect life and the satisfaction of infinite justice by His death in their stead. He was raised again because He did in fact,...


“ But He is in one mind, and who can turn Him? and what His soul desireth, even that He doeth. For He performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with Him.” - JOB 23:13-14 [KJV]   What the Lord designs is what He does and nothing can stand in His way or cause Him to determine new counsels. Men desire many things which they may not do, cannot do or dare not do, but God has an incontestable sovereignty. His will is so perfectly pure that it is only right He should execute it; and He has an uncontrollable power to carry it out. “ Whatsoever the LORD pleased that did He” [PSALM 135:6 ] and always will, for it is always best. Whatever happens to us, it is God that performs it [PSALM 57:2 ] , and an admirable performance it will all appear to be when the mystery of God shall be finished. He performs all that, and that only, which was appointed, in the appointed time and method, which should silence murmuring because what was ap...

Fearing God Alone

"Pass the time of your sojourning here in fear."   - I PETER 1:17 [KJV] Our life here is but a vapour. We are but pilgrims and strangers on this earthly ball, mere sojourners, without fixed or settled habitation, and passing through this world as not our home or resting-place. The Apostle, therefore, bids us pass this time, whether long or short, of our earthly sojourn, under the influence and in the exercise of godly fear. We are surrounded with enemies, all seeking, as it were, our life, and therefore we are called upon to move with great caution, knowing how soon we may slip and fall, and thus wound our own consciences, grieve our friends, gratify our enemies, and bring upon ourselves a cloud of darkness which may long hover over our souls. Our life here below is not one of ease and quiet, but a warfare, a conflict, a race, a wrestling not with flesh and blood alone, but with principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. We have to dr...