Bless the Holy Name of JESUS
"Thy holy child Jesus." -Acts 4:30 [KJV] There is somewhat so very sweet and precious in this expression, that, my soul, I would have thee to meditate upon it. Surely the apostles had a special meaning in calling the Lord Jesus, "the holy child Jesus:" and no doubt the Holy Ghost did not cause His servants thus to express themselves for nought. It will be thy wisdom, therefore, to inquire. I do not find a similar phrase in all the word of God. The Redeemer is spoken of, in the days of His infancy, as "the child Jesus;" and when twelve years of age, He is still called "the child;" see Luke 2: 27, 34, 43; but no where, that I recollect, does He receive the blessed appellation that He is here distinguished by, of "the holy child Jesus." It would be presumption in thee, to determine the cause of this distinction; but it can be none to inquire. Sit down then, this evening, favourable as it is to solemn meditation, and ponder well th...