
Showing posts from August 25, 2024


(The author of the great hymn, “Amazing Grace,” wrote the following in a letter to a friend who had been sick a long time.)   I trust you will find the name and grace of Jesus more and more precious to you:  His promises more sweet, and your hope in them more abiding; your sense of your own weakness and unworthiness daily increasing; your persuasion of His all-sufficiency to guide, support and comfort you more confirmed.  You owe your growth in these respects, in a great measure, to His blessing upon those afflictions which He has prepared for you and sanctified to you.  May you praise Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that is to come. Your humble servant, John Newton, April 13, 1776 A.D.


" I am found of them that sought Me not." -Isaiah 65:1 [KJV] Every display of the Saviour’s grace, is a jewel in His mediatorial crown. O what hearts have we, that we are not more humble before Him, more thankful to Him, and more joyful in Him! Jesus, help us Gentile sinners, to look back, to look within, to look up, and to look forward, to excite humility, thankfulness, and joy of heart.  (1st.) Look back, O my soul. View thy natural state; lying dead asleep in the arms of the wicked one—dead to God—under the power of sin—in love with the world—blind to the charms of Christ, without a single desire after Him, or the least care for thy immortal soul.  (2d.) Look within, dost thou find affection to Jesus, and desires after Him? Is it the language of thy heart, none but Christ— I look to none but Him —I expect salvation from Him, and Him only? O whence this mighty change? Say, did you first seek Christ, or Christ you? Did your desires first go out after Christ, o