
Showing posts from July 11, 2024

God Glorified in the Death of His Son

Most "churches" teach and preach a man-centered gospel. As though the "happiness of man" was God's chief concern. God's chief concern is His own Glory. In fact, reality exists for ONE purpose – That God would be glorified in the death of His Son, demonstrating to all of creation that He is a JUST God and a Savior .   —Kenneth Halloran

Election & Faith

There is no doubt that the Bible teaches that God has an elect people chosen by Him in free and sovereign grace in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world. They are known by being brought by the Holy Spirit to hear and believe the Gospel of God’s grace in Christ Jesus wherein the righteousness of God (the entire merit of Christ’s obedience unto death as their Surety and Substitute) is revealed to them and received by them.  They all without exception believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the Gospel (1 Thess. 1:4-5; 2 Thess. 2:13-14), However, the Gospel does not address lost sinners as being either elect or non-elect. It addresses them as sinners who have nothing to recommend them unto God and who are in need of God’s free sovereign grace in the Lord Jesus Christ to save them.  It addresses them as who are totally depraved, dead in sin, and in need of righteousness they cannot produce. It commands all who hear it to believe in Christ as He is iden

A Blessed Declaration

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." -Romans 8:1 [KJV] There is not a more blessed declaration than this in the whole word of truth. It is the sweetest note sounded by the gospel trumpet, for it is the very crown of the whole jubilee. Is not condemnation the bitterest drop in the cup of trembling? the most thrilling, piercing note of that terrible trumpet which sounded so long and so loud from Sinai's blazing top that all the people that were in the camp trembled? (Exodus 19:13, 16) Condemnation is the final execution of God's righteous law, and therefore carries with it all that arms death with its sting and the grave with its terror. The apprehension of this; the dread and fear of being banished for ever from the presence of God; of being lost, and that without remedy; of sinking under the blazing indignation of Him who is a consuming fire, has filled thousands of hearts with horror. And it must be so as long as the law speaks


" I will greatly rejoice in the L ORD : my soul shall be joyful in my God: for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness." -Isaiah 61:10 [KJV] It would be surprising to see a malefactor going to execution, singing and rejoicing all the way. But, if, when he came to the fatal place, he should produce the king’s free pardon, with royal promises of being admitted to his presence and appearing at court, in the richest robe of the king’s providing, our wonder would cease. We should own that he really had abundant cause for joy. Come, my fellow-condemned malefactors, though sin has stripped you of your innocent dress of righteous clothing; though you are under the sentence of death, yet behold, here is a pardon for you, the best robe to put upon you, and a sure promise of admission into the king’s presence.  Read it and rejoice. “Grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life” (Romans 5:21.) The God