
Showing posts from August 24, 2024

Precious Promises to those in CHRIST

  “The L ORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the L ORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:18-19, KJV).

Hymn of Praise

  Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding Ransomed souls the tidings swell  ‘Tis a deep that knows no sounding Who its breadth or length can tell? On its glories, on its glories Let my soul forever dwell.   What from Christ my soul can sever Bound by everlasting bands? Once in Him, in Him forever Thus th’ eternal covenant stands None shall pluck me, none shall pluck me From the strength of Israel’s hands.   Heirs of God, join-heirs with Jesus Long ere time its race begun To His Name eternal praises Oh! What wonders love hath done! One with Jesus, One with Jesus By eternal union One.   On such love, my soul still ponder Love so great, so rich, so free Say, whilst lost in holy wonder Why, O Lord, such love to me? Hallelujah, Hallelujah Grace shall reign eternally!    Tune: “Come and Welcome”

The LORD of hosts is with us!

"Is the L ORD among us or not?" -Exodus 17:7 [KJV] A very awful question to proceed from the lips of any child of God. What was the cause of it? Why, the Lord tried their faith. That fails them: nature murmurs: the flesh wants gratification: they are athirst: they tempt the Lord: they chide Moses: he is in distress: he cries to the Lord, “What shall I do unto this people? they be ready to stone me.” Mr. Henry judiciously observes here, “They do in effect suppose, that Moses was an impostor: Aaron a deceiver: the pillar of cloud and fire a mere sham and illusion, which had imposed on their senses; that long series of miracles, which had saved, rescued, and fed them, a chain of cheats; and the promise of Canaan, a banter upon them.  It was all so, if the Lord was not among them . Observe, it is a great provocation to God for us to question His presence, providence, or promise; especially for His people to do it, who are so much obliged to trust Him. Well might M