
Showing posts from July 28, 2020

The Spirit of Truth

"Howbeit when H e, the Spirit of truth, is come, H e will guide you into all truth: for H e shall not speak of H imself; but whatsoever H e shall hear, that shall H e speak: and H e will shew you things to come." -John 16:13 [KJV] There are two grand lessons to be learnt in the school of Christ, and all divine teaching is comprehended and summed up in them. One is, to learn, by the Spirit's teaching, what we are by nature; so as to see and feel the utter ruin and thorough wreck of self, and the complete beggary, weakness, and helplessness of the creature in the things of God. This is the first grand branch of divine teaching. And we have to learn this lesson day by day, "line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little" [Isaiah 28:10] . Through this branch of divine teaching we have almost daily to wade, and sometimes to sink into very painful depths under a sense of our depraved nature. And the other grand branch of divine teaching is, ...


"Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" -Isaiah 2:22 [KJV] With all the political advertising of the present hour, dividing the opinions of men and women between the various candidates, there is something God's people are to remember: There is no help in man! How can men help us who are ignorant of the most basic truth about men? That being, we are everyone basically evil! Not basically good as most imagine but sinners. A sinner cannot really help another sinner. Our life's breath is given to us by God one breath at a time. All true help must come from God alone. Plus, the greatest need of a sinner is a Savior from their sins. There's only One, the Lord Jesus Christ. He's the one who has saved all His people from their sins. He's the One and His cross death is what God appointed: “ I have laid help upon One that is mighty ; I have exalted One chosen out of the people ” [ Psalm 89:19 ] . This co...