
Showing posts from January 20, 2025

TRUSTING CHRIST JESUS ALONE, not mere flesh-and-blood men

" Thus saith the L ORD , Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the L ORD ." —Jeremiah 17:5 [KJV] It is very remarkable, after the prophet pronounces the curse of confiding in the flesh, and the blessedness of trusting in the Lord, he immediately adds, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." —Jeremiah 17:9 . Hence we may infer, that the poison of pride, vain confidence in the flesh, and self-righteous hopes, may lurk under the most exalted pretensions to piety, holiness, and perfection. This matter calls for great care and circumspection. "As many as are of the works of the law (who in anywise seek to be made righteous by doing) are under the curse." —Galatians 3:10. Think not this contrary to the holiness of God to pronounce such to be cursed, as though the Lord did not hate sin, and love and approve true holiness. No: but such deceive their own souls, an...

Daily Be Found Honoring the God-Man, Christ JESUS

"What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour?" -Esther 6:6 [KJV] Nay, my soul, ask thine own heart what shall be done to the God-man whom Jehovah the King of kings, delighteth to honour? Oh, for the view of what John saw, and to, hear what John heard, when he beheld the heaven opened, and heard the innumerable multitude chanting salvation to God and the Lamb! Lord, I would say, "Let every knee bow before Him, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."   And Oh, most gracious Father! dost Thou take delight that Jesus should be honoured? Is it Thine honour when Jesus is honoured; Thy glory when Jesus is glorified? Oh, what wonderful encouragement is this to the faith and belief of a poor sinner! that I not only praise my adorable Redeemer when I come to Him for all things, and trust Him for all things; but when also my poverty and emptiness afford occasion to Him to get glory by me, in givin...

Given by Inspiration of Almighty GOD

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." -II Timothy 3:16, 17 [KJV] On all subjects connected with our most holy faith, it is most desirable to have clear views. Every point of divine truth is laid down with the greatest clearness and precision in the word of God. The darkness, the ignorance, the confusion which prevent us from seeing it are all in us. But as we search the Scriptures, as we meditate upon them, as we by prayer and supplication draw light, life, and wisdom out of Him "in Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge;" and, above all, as we mix faith with what we read, there is often, if not usually, a gradual breaking-in of light; and as we follow up its heavenly rays, it shines more clearly and broadly, and the truth stands out more fully and promine...