
Showing posts from June 18, 2020


William Wilberforce (1759–1833 A.D. ) was the foremost campaigner for the abolition of slavery in Britain. He led this campaign for forty-six years, from 1787, when he was thirty-two years old, until his death in 1833. He learned on his deathbed that the Slavery Abolition Act had passed. What joy it must have been to him to know that, upon his death, slaves in the dependencies of Britain would be freed, and that his efforts had not been in vain. He saw the results of his many years of labor, and was satisfied. But the satisfaction of Jesus Christ surpassed that of Wilberforce! Jesus labored for the emancipation of Jehovah’s people. They were spiritual slaves: slaves of sin [JOHN 8:34 ] , slaves of uncleanness [ROMANS 6:19 ] , slaves of lawlessness , slaves of Satan [II TIMOTHY 2:26 ] , slaves of their own will and lusts and desires [EPHESIANS 2:1-3 ] . What joy it must have been to Jesus to know that, upon His death for His people, all of them would be freed, and that His

REJOICE ~ The Everlasting Gospel!

"Christ died for the ungodly." -ROMANS 5:6 [KJV] To redeem poor sinners, Jesus came down from heaven, put on the rags of our mortality, agonized, bled, died. Jesus is made His people's substitute, burden-bearer, sin-remover, guilt-sustainer. Their debt is placed to His account. His riches pay the full amount. Sin is removed from the sinner, and placed on the Sinless! Their curse is rolled on Him, and He endures it, until no more remains! God deals with Jesus as the guilty one! He, as spotless Deity, receives imputed sins, and fully expiates them all. In the vicarious victim, God's justice is satisfied, and wrath expires! Jesus, in His life, in the garden, on the cross suffers their sufferings, dies their death, and so becomes their uttermost salvation! His pains are their pardon! His stripes are their healing! His agony is their recovery! -Gospel report by preacher Henry Law (1797–1884 A.D.)

Sing Unto the LORD - He hath Triumphed Gloriously!

"Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion." -JEREMIAH 31:12 [KJV] Until the redeemed know something of the efficacy of atoning blood and have their consciences purged from guilt and filth by its application, they cannot come and sing in the height of Zion. But when they are redeemed from the hand of Him who is stronger than they; when atoning blood is applied to their consciences to purge away guilt and filth; when Christ is revealed and made experimentally known; when His gospel in the hands of the Spirit becomes a word of power, and a view of the King in His beauty is granted to the believing heart, then, drawn by the cords of love and the bands of a man, they come to Zion, where the King sits enthroned in glory. It is called "the height of Zion," not only because Zion was high literally, but because the Lord of life and glory is exalted to the highest place of dignity and power. God's ancient promise was, "Behold, M y servant s