
Showing posts from July, 2024


"Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace, to the end that the promise might be sure to all the seed." -Romans 4:16 [KJV] Men come to earthly inheritances, either by heirship, gift, or purchase. Each one can tell how he came by his estate, and by what right he holds it. Come, Christian, examine thy heavenly inheritance to-night. See how thou camest possessed of it, and by what means thou dost hold and enjoy it.  (1st.) It is thine by purchase. Not that thou didst ever contribute one mite to buy it; but Christ thy elder Brother paid the full price for it. Therefore it is called “the purchased inheritance” (Ephesians 1:14.)  (2d.) It is thine by gift: “ is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” (Luke 12:32.)   (3d.) It is thine by heirship: thou wast born to inherit it: not by thy natural, but by thy spiritual birth. Now thou art “an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ , ” thy elder Brother. (Romans 8:17.)   (4th.) How dost th

Thought for the Day ~ 31 July, 2024 A.D.

" Most men love to hear of the doctrine of grace, of the pardon of sin, of free love, and suppose they find food therein; however, it is evident that they grow and thrive in the life and notion of them.  But to be breaking up the fallow ground of their hearts, to be inquiring after the weeds and briers that grow in them, they delight not so much, though this be no less necessary than the other." -preacher John Owen

The Wednesday Word ~ 31 July, 2024 A.D.

  Storms, Sinking Ships and the Sleeping Saviour. Part 1 by D.G. Miles McKee In Mark 4 we encounter a great storm story where it seemed to the disciples that they were about to die.  It is interesting to observe the rulership and majesty of Jesus displayed throughout the whole narrative.   There was something about Jesus, a compelling, divine majesty, that moved and conquered the hearts of men.  These disciples were experienced fishermen and I’m sure some of them must have smelt the storm brewing.  They were fishermen; they knew how to read the signs.  Yet, they followed Jesus right into the storm.    We see this divine majesty demonstrated all through the Master´s life. Consider how, for example, Christ walked up to Matthew the businessman/tax collector and simply said, “Follow Me” and Matthew instantly got up and left everything…except his pen.  Christ did the same to Peter and the fisherman instantly left his nets. If you don’t think there’s anything special in that,


" Peter was grieved, because He said unto him the third time, Lovest thou Me ?" -John 21:17 [KJV] Peter had grieved his Lord by three denials of Him. Now his Lord grieves him with three questions, respecting his love to Him. We may often read our sin in our punishment. Peter’s Lord suffered him to fall, to lower his pride and self-confidence. Now He has caused him to descend to the valley of humiliation, He keeps him there. A little while since, he boasted of his superlative love to Christ, above all the rest of his disciples. “Though all men shall be offended because of Thee, yet will I never be offended—I am ready to go with Thee both into prison and to death—Though I should die with Thee, yet will I not deny Thee. Bold words! who can doubt of the sincerity of Peter’s heart in all this?  Hence learn, (1st.) The warm frames of young converts, are often attended with great self-confidence. There is much of nature’s fire in them. My heart has often rejoiced, and

The great design of God

  It is one of the Lord's dealings with His beloved children, to make them feel . . . their weakness and His power; their pollution and His holiness; their nothingness and His all sufficiency. The more we are brought under the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the more we shall find the truth of this remark. It is the great design of God . . . to humble our naturally proud hearts, to bring down our naturally self righteous spirit, to root out our naturally idolatrous affections. -preacher Thomas Reade


" I have remembered Thy name, O L ORD , in the night." - Psalm 119:55 [KJV] Consider, (1st.) Hebrew names express the nature of the things to which they are applied. Whatever name the L ORD makes Himself known by to us, is expressive of His nature, and of His covenant love and grace to us. Hence there is no name so sweet to us sinners, as that which He hath assumed, the name JESUS: The Lord, the self-existing Jehovah, Jesus. All the glorious perfections of wisdom, love, and power, shine with the greatest lustre in that name: the great God, even our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13.) All the attributes of Jehovah are magnified and glorified in that precious name.  (2d.) To remember the name of the Lord, is to meditate in faith, upon what He is to us, hath done for us, and hath promised to bestow upon us, as the Lord our Saviour. O what a wide field for meditation is here! But David remembered the Lord in the night. While others were sleeping, or doing worse, he


" The answer of a good conscience towards God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ." -I Peter 3:21 [KJV] The grand business of faith is, to give being and subsistence to divine truths in the mind (Hebrews 11:1.) Hence conscience obtains relief and peace, and the soul is made happy.  Consider, (1st.) What is conscience? Science is knowledge. Pre-science is foreknowledge. Conscience is something joined with knowledge. “Some have their conscience defiled” (Titus 1:15.) With what? The guilt of their sins. Some are said, to be sprinkled from an evil, or guilty conscience. (see Hebrews 10:22.) With what? The blood of Christ. Therefore, in respect to a good, or bad conscience, something must be joined with the science or knowledge of the mind to determine it by. In this sense, the word conscience is used in scripture.  Hence, (2d.) We may easily see, what is the answer of a good conscience before God. Join the law of God with your science, or knowledge of yourself.

A Written Prayer & The Power of Christ JESUS

This written prayer was found on the body of an unknown Confederate soldier who was killed in battle.  Though he did not survive, his words did. I asked God for strength that I might achieve, I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.   I asked for health, that I might do greater things, I was given infirmity that I might be better things.   I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty, that I might be wise.   I asked for power that I might have the praise of men, I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of the Lord.   I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life, I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.   I got nothing that I asked for – but everything I hoped for, Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayer was answered.   I am among all men, most richly blessed.   ---O---     As I read this prayer, I was reminded of Paul’s prayer when He asked the Lord to remove his “the thorn in the flesh.”   As you know, his request was not granted. 

Take Heart, We Shall See Christ JESUS

O what a wondrous, joyful day, When God the Son we see; And we shall dwell with Him on high,   From sin forever free.   In love He chose us by His grace,   Before the earth was made;   He came into this world of sin,   And all the law obeyed.   The Savior took our load of guilt,   Our sins on Him were laid;   And by His sin-removing death,   Our debt was fully paid.   And though He died upon the cross,   He rose and reigns on high;   And by the Spirit of His grace,   To Him we are brought nigh.    It will be glory in that day,   When we shall see His face;   And fix our eyes upon the Lamb,   Who saved us by His grace.   Take courage children of the Lord,   With Christ we soon shall be;   And we shall praise our God and King,   Throughout eternity.       Tune: “There is a Fountain” CM/double  Words by Jim Byrd

Search God's Word Daily

"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." - Acts 17:11 [KJV] The nobility of which Paul spoke in Acts 17:11 is not connected with the nobility of a person’s birth. The apostle spoke of a quality of mind . True nobility is an earnest inquiry after truth. It consists in a spirit that is above the power of prejudice. Prejudice is a common sin among religionists. They are affiliated with certain denominations and refuse to consider any truth contrary to the teaching of that particular religious group. Prejudice is not indicative of the Spirit of Christ. It is a great time saver because it enables one to form his opinion without investigating the facts. True nobility is a willingness to receive truth that one has not heard expounded. -preacher W. E. Best


" Saul answered, I am sore distressed, for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me." -I Samuel 28:15 [KJV] A more awful speech is scarce to be found in the Bible. A more dreadful state a soul cannot be in, on this side of hell. To have potent enemies in battle array: to have the guilt of abominable sins staring one in the face: and to be sensible that the Lord is departed from one, how horrid to think of! O come here, and see the terrible effects of trifling with God, and disobeying His commands! For we read that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul—that God gave him another heart— that he was turned into another man—and that he prophesied (I Samuel 10:6.)  And yet, such was his dreadful conduct, as to bring upon himself such sore distress. How does he act under it? Does he humble himself, as heretofore before the Lord? No. But he adds this evil to all his abominations. He seeks to the witch of Endor: desires her to raise up Samuel to hi

Great Encouragement in CHRIST JESUS ~ 27 July, 2024 A.D.

" But ye have not so learned Christ." -Ephesians 4:20 [KJV] Believe, and live as you will. Love, and walk as you please. Will any say, this is fine licentious doctrine? We answer, such do not know, nor consider the power of faith, nor the influence of Christ’s love. They are strangers to His teaching. Christians are His scholars. Christ is our one Master. He graciously condescends to teach us. He kindly says, Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart to instruct you (Matthew 11:29.) Our grand business is, to sit at His feet.  We have no just ideas of the sinfulness of sin, the vileness of our nature, nor the preciousness of His person, but what we learn of Him. Christian, what hast thou learned of Christ this day? If thou hast not learned somewhat of the heinous nature of sin, so as to abhor it, and of the preciousness of Christ’s person and salvation, so as to cleave to Him, verily, thou hast lost a day. Thou didst not so learn Christ. For this is His word

Believe on the LORD JESUS Christ!

" This is His commandment, that we should believe on the name of His Son JESUS CHRIST, and love one another." -I John 3:23 [KJV] When a weary traveller has lost his way, what pleasure must the sight of a directory afford him? How must his joy be increased, if it informs him he is near a dear friend’s house, who will kindly receive him? Weary pilgrim, look at this directory, and rejoice. You are near a dear friend, who will kindly receive, and heartily welcome you. Obey this command, and enjoy the comfort.  Consider, (1st.) Who commands. God the Father of heaven: that God against Whom you have sinned, and by sin art become miserable. He would have you be both holy and happy. You can be neither without believing. Both are enjoyed in faith.  (2d.) The command. Believe . By the ten commandments thou art condemned: thou art brought in guilty by them. The law ministers nothing but wrath and condemnation. God be merciful to us miserable sinners! God shews mercy. O the l

Trust in the LORD

“They that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, L ORD , hast not forsaken them that seek Thee” (Psalm 9:10 KJV).   The better God is known the more He is trusted. Those who know Him to be a God of infinite wisdom will trust Him further than they can see Him (Job 35:14). Those who know Him to be a God of almighty power will trust Him when creature-confidence fails and they have nothing else to trust to (2 Chronicles 20:12).   Those who know Him to be a God of infinite grace and goodness will trust Him though He slay them (Job 13:15). Those who know Him to be a God of inviolable truth and faithfulness will rejoice in His word of promise and rest upon that, though the performance be deferred and intermediate providences seem to contradict it.  Those who know Him to be the Father of spirits and an everlasting Father, will trust Him with their souls as their main care and trust in Him at all times , even to the end. -preacher Matthew Henry

According to Almighty God's Mercy He saved us

"...not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us." -Titus 3:5 [KJV] “Shew us a miracle, and we will believe you are inspired,” say carnal men. We can, but they have no eyes to see it. Blessed be God, miracles are not ceased. The Lord works miracles of grace daily. Every regenerate sinner is a miracle of God the Father’s mercy, of God the Son’s grace, and of God the Holy Spirit’s power. His humble language proclaims it. I stand forth and declare, that I was a vile sinner, condemned by the law of God, and justly deserving the damnation of hell; yet full of the pride of my own works, and confident of salvation by my own righteousness; but God, by an act of sovereign mercy, has saved me from the power of sin, and a vain confident hope of my own righteousness.  “Not by works which we have done.” Our works are out of the question. For all boasting is excluded. Yet the notion of absolute mercy in God to any sinner, without r