The Wednesday Word ~ 31 July, 2024 A.D.


Storms, Sinking Ships and the Sleeping Saviour. Part 1

by D.G. Miles McKee

In Mark 4 we encounter a great storm story where it seemed to the disciples that they were about to die.  It is interesting to observe the rulership and majesty of Jesus displayed throughout the whole narrative.

There was something about Jesus, a compelling, divine majesty, that moved and conquered the hearts of men.  These disciples were experienced fishermen and I’m sure some of them must have smelt the storm brewing.  They were fishermen; they knew how to read the signs.  Yet, they followed Jesus right into the storm.

 We see this divine majesty demonstrated all through the Master´s life. Consider how, for example, Christ walked up to Matthew the businessman/tax collector and simply said, “Follow Me” and Matthew instantly got up and left everything…except his pen.  Christ did the same to Peter and the fisherman instantly left his nets. If you don’t think there’s anything special in that, just try it yourself.  Just go into a thriving business and try commanding the owner to leave everything to follow you. That puts it into perspective, doesn’t it?  Jesus spoke and people followed. There is something majestic and compelling about His call and untold numbers through the ages have heard it and left everything to follow the Master.

Now, in this passage, Jesus says with the same authority and majesty, “Let us go to the other side.” I’ve looked this phrase up in the Greek and do you know what it means? It means, “Let us go to the other side!”  That was the word of the Lord and He got in the boat to see that His word was performed.  There was no way, then, for that boat to sink since Jesus had said they were going to the other side. So, watch how these fishermen follow the carpenter and how the carpenter leads them straight into the storm.  We need to understand this; following Jesus is never easy!  He has the persistent habit of leading His followers into difficult situations.  By the way, they didn’t arrive in the storm because they were out of the will of God, but rather they sailed right into the heart of the storm because they were in the very center of the will of God.  We need to learn from this that the desire to have a trouble free life is a non-starter! It just isn’t going to happen!  We want Jesus the problem solver, but He sometimes says to us, “Hello, I’m Jesus the problem maker.”

 In the midst of the storm, the disciples panicked.  What they forgot was that Jesus had spoken and had given His word that they were going to the other side.  What we can learn from this is that between us receiving the promise of the Word and the provision of the promise there is often a problem. And it’s there, in the problem, that He demonstrates His divine power and majesty.  It’s there, in the midst of the storms of our life, that He tests us to show us whether or not we believe in His Majesty, His deity and His absolute power.

But something worse that the fact that Jesus led them into the storm is that Jesus, in the midst of the storm, goes to sleep.  Have you ever been in a storm and it seemed as if Jesus has forgotten you? It seems He is asleep.  Don’t panic, this is God at work exposing your attitude to Him and His promises!  The storms come, but Jesus hasn’t gone anywhere, He’s right there with the disciples; they are in His presence.  Jesus has given His word that they are going to the other side so there is no way that that boat can sink! Jesus may be asleep in the back of the boat, but at the same time as He is sleeping He is upholding the Universe by the Word of His power (see Hebrews 1:3).

And that´s the Gospel Truth!

Til He Comes!


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